Enabling and Sustaining Academic, Educational and Educational Innovation Leadership Study

Principal Investigator: Dr Jenny Lawrence, Director of the Oxford Centre for Academic Enhancement and Development, Oxford Brookes University. j.lawrence@brookes.ac.uk

Research Team: Dr Mary Kitchener, Senior Lecturer, Educational Development; Dr Polly Magne, Head Academic Practice; Dr Susan Morón-García, Principal Lecturer Education & Student Experience; Kat Kwok, Educational Research Fellow.

Contact us

Oxford Centre for Academic Enhancement and Development

Phone +44 (0)1865 535100

Email ocaed@brookes.ac.uk


You are being invited to take part in this research study as an academic, educational or educational innovation leader at Oxford Brookes University (see below for the way in which we define these kinds of leadership). Before you decide whether or not to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done and what it will involve. Please take time to read the following information carefully.

What is the purpose of the study?

The project aims to develop an understanding of how we can enable and sustain academic, educational, and educational innovation leadership. We will draw upon your experiences of academic and educational leadership and of leading educational innovation to facilitate the design of bespoke, evidence-based leadership development at Brookes. The intended outcome is a portfolio of activities that will support professional practice. We will subsequently evaluate this portfolio of activity. 

The project will focus upon three groups of staff:

Academic leaders, who oversee research, knowledge exchange and portfolio of programmes of study; most commonly these are Heads of Department. 

Educational leaders are responsible for the integration of research and knowledge exchange and oversee the logistical requirements of a programme of study at foundation, under or postgraduate levels;  commonly these are Programme Leads or Subject Co-ordinators.  

Educational Innovation Leaders lead positive change across a module, programme, department and/or faculty; these are commonly Principal Lecturers in Education and Student Experience or Quality and Validation or staff who have been recognised for their leadership through National Teaching Fellowships or CATE awards.