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Staff Communications Hub

Photograph of the Forum cafe and seating area in John Henry Brookes Building, Headington Campus

Strategic transformation programme

The Vice-Chancellor’s Group has been considering how the financial sustainability of the University can be protected going forward, through a financial sustainability plan that puts us in a position to grow our income, manage our costs and maximises our potential to realise the ambitions of the University’s 2035 Strategy. 

One strand of our financial sustainability plan is the strategic transformation programme. The Staff Comms Hub has key information and documents relating to the University’s strategic transformation programme.

About the Staff Comms Hub

  • The latest articles from across the University, published on a regular basis.
  • Archive of Staff Update, Student News and all-student and all-staff emails

*requires an Oxford Brookes login

Working at Brookes

Members of staff sitting round a table

From new starters to wellbeing and everything in between.

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