Our team supports the work associated with the University's Graduate College, research degree programmes and provides a ‘one stop shop’ for all central administration for current and prospective research students and supervisors.
81% of Postgraduate students were satisfied with their experience on a research degree programme. This was higher than the sector (79% sector average) and shows an increase to the findings from the 2021 survey (77%). This result suggests that the overall experience of Research students at Brookes in the post-Covid-19 era has improved.
90% of students were satisfied with their supervision, measured with questions on the supervisor's skills and knowledge, regular contact, research guidance and support to identify suitable training. This result was 5% higher than in 2021.
Creativity and innovation
85% of students agreed that their confidence to be creative or innovative has developed during their programme, displaying an increase of 13% when compared to 2021.
Time management
81% of students agreed that they are coping well with their studies so far this semester, up 16% in 2021.