All universities have a governing body. Oxford Brookes University's Board of Governors currently has 16 members, including two staff governors – one teaching and one professional staff member. The Board is responsible for setting the educational character and mission of the University.
Governors must be committed to the success of the University, and have the skills and experience to enable them to contribute effectively to the work of the Board. The role of Governor is unpaid, although the University will pay reasonable travel and other expenses.
The University enables staff to take on the role of Staff Governor by providing the same support as for other Voluntary Public Bodies.
What do Staff Governors do?
Once on the Board, Staff Governors have the same role and responsibilities as all other Governors. The University’s Board of Governors is the key decision-making body for the institution and is made up almost exclusively of individuals who do not have executive responsibility for the running of the University, the exception being the Vice Chancellor who is also a Governor.
As a Governor you will work as part of the Board in a collegiate and positive way, providing a critical sounding board for the University’s Executive. Responsibilities of the Board include determining the character and strategy of the University as well as appointing the Vice Chancellor and agreeing University targets and monitoring achievements against them.
More specifically, Governors:
- are responsible for ensuring University risks, including reputational risks, are managed effectively,
- set and monitor the achievement of targets by the University,
- monitor the effectiveness of University policies,
- make sure the University fulfills its wider responsibilities for equality and diversity,
- consider and approve major investments,
- ensure the sustainability of the University.
Who can be a Staff Governor?
Governing bodies work best if they include people from a wide range of backgrounds. At Oxford Brookes we believe the governing body should reflect the diversity of our University community. Equality and diversity are fundamental to the University’s values and we would welcome applications from under-represented groups.
There are two types of Staff Governor: Professional Staff and Teaching Staff Governors. Any permanent member of staff who is on an academic staff contract can apply to be a Teaching Staff Governor.
Staff Governors are not 'representatives' of any group or sub group and cannot be mandated by others to vote in any particular way. They have the same requirements as for all other members.
Recent Staff Governors have had varied backgrounds including former students and those who have worked in other sectors. What they have in common is a desire to support, challenge and improve the work of Oxford Brookes University.
Do I need specific qualifications or experience?
No formal qualifications are required. You will need time, enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in the workings of the University and higher education. There is an induction interview where any information and training needs will be identified and a strategy to provide the required support developed.
There is some online support providing key information for Governors.
How much time will it take?
The term is fixed for an initial two years. The full governing body have five regular meetings each year, and a strategy day. In addition, members may also join one of the Board Committees, currently:
- Audit and Risk
- Finance and Resources
- People
- Nominations
The formal commitment for most Board members amounts to around 10 formal meetings a year, plus the strategy day, and preparation time. Board members are encouraged to take part in other University activities, including our annual Senior Management Conference, and our public lecture programme, bringing the total commitment to about 15 days a year. The University will ensure that appropriate time is allowed by line mangers so that staff can undertake these responsibilities.
Application process
The University now has a vacancy for a Teaching Staff Governor on its Board of Governors and the Nominations Committee is seeking applications for vacancy until 5:00pm on Friday 15 November 2024. Further information can be found on the Staff Communications Hub.
How do I apply?
The University now has a vacancy on its Board of Governors and the Nominations Committee is seeking applications for the vacancy until 5:00pm on Friday 15 November 2024. Further information can be found on the Staff Communications Hub.
How will the staff governors be chosen?
Staff Governors are chosen by the Nominations Committee.
Further information
If you have any questions, please contact