Oxford Brookes Bursary Scheme

Key facts

Start dates

September 2025 / January 2026

Available to home or international students?


Study level

Undergraduate; Postgraduate

Award value

£1,000 - £1,250

Number of awards

All applicants who meet the criteria

Application deadline

There is no need to apply - eligibility will be assessed automatically


The Oxford Brookes Bursary Scheme is available to qualifying students for each year of their studies and does not need to be paid back. It is available to all eligible UK full-time, on-campus, undergraduate degree students on £9,250 undergraduate courses and whose commencing year of study is 2025/26. 

The bursaries vary according to your circumstances:

  • If your household income is under £35,000 you will receive an annual Oxford Brookes Bursary of £1,250.
  • If your household income is between £35,000 and £45,000 you will receive an annual Oxford Brookes Bursary of £1,000.  

Summary of funding available

Household income Maintenance loan* Bursary amount Annual toal funding
Under £35,000  £10,227 £1,250 £11,477
£35,000 - £45,000 At least £8,766 £1,000 £9,766
*The figures for the maintenance loan are for 2024/25. The Government will publish 2025/26 HE maintenance loan figures in March 2025. The bursary figures quoted here are for 2025/26.

The bursary will be paid during the academic year in three instalments: 

  • 25% in November 2025
  • 25% in February 2026
  • 50% in April 2026.

You must be in full time attendance at the University on the payment date to be eligible for each bursary instalment.


Eligibility criteria

To be eligible you must:

  • be a UK full-time, on-campus, undergraduate degree student on a £9,250 course.
  • apply for and be eligible for a HE maintenance loan.
  • GBS students are not eligible to apply for the Oxford Brookes Bursary.

In addition:

  • If your household income is under £35,000 you will receive an annual Oxford Brookes Bursary of £1,250.
  • If your household income is between £35,000 and £45,000 you will receive an annual Oxford Brookes Bursary of £1,000.  

For further details, contact the Student Funding Team at slcfunding@brookes.ac.uk

This funding is available to students studying on the following courses:



Application process

You don't need to apply - we will know if you are eligible from your household income figure provided to the Student Loans Company. All eligible students who have not opted out of the "consent to share" part of their SLC student support application will automatically be assessed for a bursary.

Please note you must be means tested by the end of your academic year (either August 2025 or December 2025) to be entitled to claim your bursary for the current academic year. Students who consent to share their information, or who are means tested after the end of an academic year are no longer eligible to receive the previous year's bursary.

Terms and conditions

The following applies (2025-26 entrants only):

  1. The Oxford Brookes Bursary Scheme will only be awarded to students applying to begin their degree in the Academic Year 2025-26 who meet the eligibility criteria.
  2. The student must be a Home fee paying student, entitled to both tuition and maintenance support from the Student Loans Company
  3. Household income is calculated and confirmed by the Student Loans Company and will be assessed annually
  4. Students must be studying on a full time on-campus undergraduate degree, paying fees of £9,250
  5. The Bursary will be awarded in three instalments, 25% in November, 25% in February and 50% in April
  6. Bursaries will be terminated in cases when students are found to be in breach of the Student Conduct Regulations and have been subject to, and found guilty by, a disciplinary process, which in the judgement of the University would warrant withdrawal of the Scholarship.
  7. If the student withdraws from their course on a temporary or permanent basis, payment of the Bursary will cease from the date the student leaves or is withdrawn from their Brookes course. 
  8. In circumstances when a student changes programme or mode of study to one which falls outside the eligibility criteria, the student will no longer be eligible for the Bursary.
  9. Students must be in attendance on their Brookes course on the instalment dates in order to receive any instalments due.
  10. Students must be means tested by the end of the academic year (31 August 2026) to be entitled to claim their bursary for the current academic year. Students who consent to share their information, or who are means/eligibility tested after the end of an academic year, are no longer eligible to receive the previous year's bursary.
  11. GBS students are not eligible for the Brookes Bursary.

Source:   SFE Student Finance Calculator