If you haven’t received your Student Maintenance Loan / Grant yet, please read through the topics below:
Getting your loans on time
1. Has your maintenance loan not arrived yet?
Perhaps your loan application hasn't been completely processed yet - did you miss the Student Loans Company (Student Finance) application deadline?
- New students: if you missed the deadline e.g. you applied when you were offered a place through Clearing, your loan’s going to be delayed.
- Continuing students: you need to reapply each year, by the returning student deadline to get your loan in place for the start of semester. See Top Tips below.
Remember that the SLC won't release loans to enrolled students until the first day of the semester.
2. When should you get your maintenance loan?
This will be stated on your loan award letter. You can check this either:
- via your Student Loans Company (SLC) (Student Finance) portal which will have details of the loan payment dates, or
- by calling the Student Loans Company (see section 7). When phoning please have your Customer Reference Number and password to hand.
If you have applied on time for the SLC (Student Finance) application deadline, you should get your first student maintenance loan instalment within 5 working days of completing your enrolment at Oxford Brookes – see (3) below.
If you want to make sure your SLC (Student Finance) application is correct, do contact the Brookes Union Advice Service - located in the John Henry Brookes building, Headington campus.
3. Make sure you have enrolled at Oxford Brookes!
- New students: You need to enrol online before you get your first payment.
- Continuers: You must re-enrol online every year.
If you need help, contact your Student Support Coordinator or visit Student Central.
4. How will I pay my tuition fees?
If you’ve applied for a Tuition Fee loan then the SLC (Student Finance) will pay your tuition fees direct to the University after the loan is approved and you've started studying.
If there's a delay in your loan application being approved, you should contact Oxford Brookes Student Finance:
Email: credit-control@brookes.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0) 1865 483940
5. What about my accommodation?
The SLC (Student Finance) will pay your maintenance loan direct to you. This is for living costs including rent.
If you’re living in university-managed halls and the delay in your funding means that you can’t pay the first instalment of your accommodation, you need to contact Oxford Brookes Student Finance at finance-halls@brookes.ac.uk or on 01865 483866.
If you’re living in accommodation managed by an external provider – a partnership hall or private landlord/letting agent – you should speak to the provider to explain the funding delay and reach an arrangement about delaying payment until you've received your loan.
6. My maintenance loan is not as much as I expected
Remember that the maintenance loan, which pays for day-to-day living expenses like rent, bills, food and books, is based on your household income. It’s likely that you, your parents, family or partner have to submit evidence to verify this. If the evidence isn’t submitted, you’ll only get the minimum maintenance loan. If you’re late submitting evidence, it will cause delays.
Check your application status via your SLC (Student Finance) portal or call the SLC (Student Finance) to see if there’s a problem. Phone numbers are below (section 7). You’ll need your Customer Reference number and password to hand.
7. SLC (Student Finance) contact details
If you do need to call the SLC (Student Finance) to sort your situation out, these are the numbers.
It can be difficult to get through due to the high volume of calls in September/October. Try early morning or later in the day to increase your chances of getting through.
- Student Finance England: 0300 100 0607
Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm; Saturday – Sunday 9am – 4pm - Student Finance Northern Ireland: 0300 100 0077
Monday – Friday 8am – 8pm; Saturday 9am – 4pm - SAAS (Scotland): 0300 555 0505
Monday – Thursday 8.30am – 5pm; Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm - Student Finance Wales: 0300 200 4050
Monday – Friday 8am – 6pm
When dealing with your loan application, please remember:
- Phone calls: keep a log of all phone calls and take a note of the date, time and who you spoke to.
- Documents: keep a copy of any documents you send to the SLC (Student Finance). Use recorded or registered post and keep the receipt safe. You can check receipt via your SLC (Student Finance) portal and viewing the ‘Evidence Screen’.
At busy times, it can take up to 6 weeks for the SLC (Student Finance) to reassess your application.
8. Still need help with your loan?
If, after taking the above steps, you’ve still not been able to resolve your problem, you can contact the Brookes Union Advice Service, who are based in the basement of the main John Henry Brookes building at Headington. With your permission, they can talk to the Student Loans Company (Student Finance) on your behalf.
9. Top Tips
- If you haven’t got a student bank account, consider opening one as they usually offer an interest free overdraft
- Get a part-time job. The Oxford Brookes Jobshop can help you.
- Make an emergency budget.
- Check out advice from Save the Student.
Remember to ask for help if you need it! There are lots of people at Oxford Brookes who can advise you:
- Student Support Coordinators (SSCs) based in your Faculty.
- Brookes Union Advice Service, located in the John Henry Brookes building, Headington campus.
- Financial Aid – located in Student Central, John Henry Brookes building, Headington campus. You might be able to get some food vouchers to tide you over so bring along a bank statement / mini statement to show that you’ve got no money and that your loan hasn’t come through.
Financial Aid
If you would like to speak to us face-to-face, our Zoom room is open on Wednesdays from 1.00pm to 2.00pm. When you enter, you will then be assigned to one of our advisers when they become available.
Email finaid@brookes.ac.uk