Contact us

 Announcement The last Inclusive Drop-in will be on Tuesday 17 December. The drop-ins will restart on Tuesday 7 January.

Our services are currently provided through virtual tools, such as meetings using Google Meet, email and phone, and face-to-face meetings that are arranged on an appointment basis. 

In order for us to ensure you’ll be speaking to the person who can best help you, it is important you contact us first so we can direct you to whichever of our services is the most appropriate to your circumstances.

Contact details

Access the support you need

To access support from the Inclusive Support Service, please complete our online self-referral form. If you have any trouble accessing the form, please email us.

If you aren't sure what support is available or would prefer to give us your information in person, come to one of our face-to-face drop-ins:

  • Tuesdays 10:00am - 11:00am
  • Thursdays 12:30pm - 1:30pm

Come to the Buckley Building (Headington campus) and let the front desk know you're there for the Inclusive Support drop-in.

The drop-ins are run by the Referrals Coordinator. 

Opening hours and location

We are open during semester time and vacation:

  • 9.00am - 5.00pm Monday to Thursday
  • 9.00am - 4.30pm Friday

If you are invited to an appointment on campus, this may be at our main office in Buckley or one of our other spaces on the Headington or other campuses. 

Inclusive Support Service
Buckley Building, Ground Floor
Headington Campus
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford OX3 0BP