Non-medical helper (NMH) rates

The Oxford Brookes NMH Team includes Specialist 1-1 Study Skills Tutors and Specialist Mentors. By providing these services in-house, we are able to ensure that students receive the highest quality support.

All Band 4 NMH Specialists have full working knowledge of the University’s processes and systems and access to dedicated space across all our sites, and can therefore meet the needs of the vast majority of our students. Our Tutors and Mentors meet or exceed the qualification and professional body requirements for DSA registration. 

For more information about the services we offer, please visit our web pages on Specialist Tutors and Mentors.


Our rates for the period 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025 are shown below.

The table below shows NMH rates. The greyed out cells indicate that the NMH provider does not offer these services.

Note: NMH support rates shown per hour in the table below.

RoleStandard Rate
Distance Learning only
(in-person, in-home)
Remote Delivery
(eg video call - Facetime, Skype or similar)
Band 1: Support AssistantsNetVATTotalNetVATTotalNetVATTotal
Sighted guide

Practical support assistant

Library support assistant



Workshop / laboratory assistant

Proofreader / text checker

Band 2: Enhanced Support AssistantsNetVATTotalNetVATTotalNetVATTotal
Note taker

Study assistant

Examination Support Worker

Band 3: Specialist Enabling SupportNetVATTotalNetVATTotalNetVATTotal
Communication Support Worker(CSW)

Communication Support Worker working with British Sign Language user(CSW-BSL)

Lip speaker

Specialist Notetaker for Deaf/Hard of Hearing students - Includes Electronic Note Taking

Specialist Notetaker for Deaf/Hard of Hearing students - Speech to Text Reporter(STTR)

Specialist Notetaker for Deaf/Hard of Hearing students - Respeaking

Specialist Notetaker for Visually Impaired (VI) students - including Braille

Specialist Transcription Service

Mobility Trainer

Band 4: Specialist Access and Learning FacilitatorsNetVATTotalNetVATTotalNetVATTotal
Specialist Mentor - Mental Health Difficulties (MH)£59.75£0.00£59.75

Specialist Mentor - Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC)£59.75

Specialist one-to-one Study Skills and Strategy Support - Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD)£59.75

Specialist one-to-one Study Skills and Strategy Support - Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC)£59.75

British Sign Language interpreter (BSL) - includes Interpreter for deaf or deafblind students

Assistive Technology Trainers(AST)

Specialist Support Professional for Students with Sensory Impairment - Deaf students(HI)

Specialist Support Professional for Students with Sensory Impairment - Vision impairment(VI)

Specialist Support Professional for Students with Sensory Impairment - Multi-sensory Impairment (MSI)