Assessment for dyslexia and specific learning difficulties

Screening for dyslexia

If you are an enrolled student at Brookes, experiencing difficulties with your studies that you think could be due to an undiagnosed specific learning difficulty, such as dyslexia, please contact to request an online screening. 

By completing the online screening form you will be able to tell us more about the difficulties you are experiencing. Your submitted response will be viewed by specialist staff within Inclusive Support, who will advise you on the screening outcome and the next steps for you.

If your screening indicates that you require an assessment for specific learning difficulties you will be contacted with details of the funding options available. Please note that funding must be confirmed prior to booking an assessment appointment with a freelance assessor at Brookes.

If you already have an accepted specific learning difficulties assessment report with support in place, we would not recommend having another assessment and an adviser can discuss this further with you.

Arranging an assessment

The Inclusive Support Service may arrange assessments for dyslexia and specific learning difficulties (SpLD) where possible, with approved independent assessors who visit Oxford Brookes to assess Brookes students and staff. Alternatively, if you will be self-funding your assessment, you can choose to contact and arrange your assessment directly with an assessor from our list of approved Assessors. All arrangements made would be between yourself and the Assessor. 

Creating your Inclusive Support Plan

Creating an Inclusive Support Plan involves setting up arrangements with other parts of the University so that reasonable adjustments are applied where applicable. It is advised that you book an appointment with the Inclusive Support Service so that your exam arrangements and other support is explained and put in place. 

Some exams arrangements need to be discussed and agreed with a disability adviser (either through email or via an appointment) before they can be made and cannot be made after the deadline each semester. Information about the Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA) and organising 1-1 study skills with a specialist tutor is also offered in these sessions.

We will also contact you at various times during your course with helpful reminders and information.