The EYFS was most recently revised in September 2021. One of the key reasons for updating the framework was to reduce unnecessary paperwork so that practitioners can spend more time engaging with and supporting the children’s learning. We are constantly assessing the children’s learning and development through observing them whilst they are at play and engaged in the activities we offer them however we have reduced the amount of written observations that we make so that we can concentrate more on interacting with them and scaffolding their learning. Staff make professional judgements concerning if a child is developing as expected and, if there are any concerns, they will record more observations and put additional support in place to help them achieve the next milestone in their learning.
We have created our own curriculum which is our top-level plan of what we want the children to learn. We aim for it to be ambitious, varied, exciting, stimulating and led by their interests. We provide experiences and opportunities for the children to develop life-long skills which will benefit them throughout their lives and enable them to be happy, healthy, curious and ready for the next stage of their education.
Older children take part in special group times, some adult-lead, some more open-ended, to provide experiences for them to work in small groups, collaborate, practice attentive listening, follow instructions etc. whilst still being able to exercise skills such as being creative, being willing to have a go, work things out and being capable and confident learners. The children also have the opportunity to take part in regular cooking activities and Spanish and French sessions.