Online safety policy

The Nursery is committed to ensuring safe internet use for all its users.  This policy is to ensure a set of safe and responsible behaviours in relation to internet safety within both the Nursery and the wider home environments of the children.  Children in the early years are now more digitally savvy than ever before.  Their use of digital devices is now commonplace and research shows that they are moving away from watching TV and opting for video-on-demand content to watch cartoons, mini movies and songs.  

According to an Ofcom report apps such as ‘YouTube Kids’ is a destination of choice for 72% of children aged 3 to 4 years old.  Our aim is to keep the children safe whilst making the most of what the internet has to offer.

Benefits and challenges of screen use

Screen use can have a number of benefits for children in the early years but also comes with some challenges which staff, parents and carers should be aware of.  There are both positive and negative developmental outcomes to consider.

The benefits of screen use include:

  • Opportunities to promote creativity and learning
  • Language development
  • Improvement of numeracy and literacy skills
  • Greater understanding of the world
  • Development of digital skills

The challenges of screen use include:

  • The impact on children’s ability to control their emotions
  • Displacement of activities that promote social interactions vital for development
  • Risk of exposure to inappropriate content

Online risks which children might experience

Content(what they might see)

  • Exposure to inappropriate videos, pictures or messages which might upset, worry or frighten them
  • Imitating harmful or inappropriate behaviour they see online
  • Searching for inappropriate content on purpose or stumbling upon it by accident
  • Inadvertently giving apps or websites permission to share their location or other personal information
  • Spending real money via in-app or in-game purchases

Contact (who they might communicate with)

  • Being abused online (including sexually) by people they don’t know
  • Being abused online (including sexually) by people they do know such as friends and family members
  • Sending images or information to people on the device’s contact list

Conduct (how they might behave)

  • Exhibiting unhealthy behaviours and boundaries around their use of screens
  • Being unkind to each other online as well as offline; this could be using mean words or by excluding others from their games
  • Using words or terminology which are not appropriate for their age
  • Engaging in unhealthy relationships
  • As part of natural development, children may exhibit curiosity about their own and others’ private body parts.  If this occurs via technology, children may be at risk of taking inappropriate or indecent images and videos of themselves

Good practice / strategies to minimise risks

At nursery we do the following to minimise any risks:

  •  Online safety is recognised as part of the Nursery’s safeguarding responsibilities and the DSLs also take responsibility for online safety concerns
  • Check apps, websites and search results before using them with the children
  • Always supervise children when accessing the internet (we currently don’t have a computer in the children’s room and therefore children are always accompanied when researching something online in one of the offices)
  • Role model safe behaviour and privacy awareness by talking to children about safe use.  We use resources such as ‘Smartie Penguin’ to support the children to understand how they can help themselves to stay safe 
  • Follow the University’s IT Acceptable Use Policy and all associated procedures
  • Access to the Nursery’s network and IT infrastructure is secure including the use of passwords.  Staff have all received training in Information Security Awareness
  • Only using University (never personal) devices with the children which all have the appropriate safety modes and filters to ensure a high level of privacy and security
  • The use of personal devices is not allowed in the children’s rooms or with the children and staff are required to follow the University and Nursery’s Social Media policies
  • Personal data is managed securely online in accordance with the statutory requirements of the GDPR and Data Protection legislation 
  • Only staff are able to access the Nursery’s devices through personal passwords
  • Provide online safety training for all staff which is renewed on a yearly basis
  • Ensure that online safety is embedded throughout the curriculum
  • Offer support to parents to help them talk about online safety with their children in an age appropriate way

Online safety at home

Risks could be posed to early years children because of the online behaviour of their parents/carers.  This could include oversharing information about their children online.  Some parents could also place their children at risk due to their own personal vulnerabilities, e.g. they may be at risk of exposure to radicalisation.  Additionally, children could be neglected because of their parents or carers overuse of the internet or because they are failing to safeguard them online.  

Parents are aware of our Online Safety Policy and we share our strategies for protecting children, signposting sources of support regarding online safety at home.  Parents would be supported by the Nursery if they experience an online safety concern.

The following are also useful links which parents/carers may find useful:

Procedure for online safety concerns

  • If a member of staff has any concerns regarding the online safety of a child they should report it immediately to one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads.  
  • If a child has shared information of concern then the staff member should follow our disclosure procedures 
  • If a member of staff is concerned about the behaviour of a colleague online, the allegations procedure should be followed and the concern reported and recorded by the DSL.  If the staff member is unhappy with the response the Nursery’s Whistleblowing Policy should be followed.

Staff can also contact a helpline for support and advice:

  • Professionals Online Safety Helpline – for advice and support for professionals working with children with any online safety issues call +44 (0) 344 381 4772
  • NSPCC helpline – for advice and support for anyone who is worried about a child or needs information about child protection call +44 (0) 808 800 5000 or email

The Nursery’s Online Safety Officers are the Designated Safeguarding Leads:

  • Sarah Hinkin
  • Gemma Buy
  • Shane Page
  • Bernadette Gaughan
  • Megan Hale
  • Cristina Fernandez Silgo
  • Patrizia D’Ambros De Francesco
This policy was reviewed in May 2024.