Admissions Policy

To register for a nursery place, a nursery application form needs to be completed by the child’s parent/guardian.

Application to the nursery is open to all staff and students of the Oxford Brookes University. The 2-5’s section is also open to external children. All parents will be required to book a minimum of four sessions per week for a minimum of one whole semester (one day equals 2 sessions). Once a child has started attending the nursery their place can continue even if the parent ceases to be a Brookes’ student or member of staff, but the place will be charged at the external rate.

If a place is available, the applicant will be notified in writing and a non-returnable reservation fee of £130.00 requested to secure the place. If the applicant is registering more than one child the registration fee for the second and subsequent child/ren will be £65.00. If a place is not available the child’s name will be placed on the waiting list. If a child leaves the nursery and wishes to return within a 6 month period of their leaving date a re-registration fee of £500.00 will be charged once a place has been offered and accepted.

When the nursery is full, places on the waiting list will be prioritised as follows:

  1. Children already attending the nursery and wishing to swap/increase places.

  2. Children with siblings already attending the nursery.
  3. Children of university staff or students who have been on the waiting list the longest.
  4. Children of external parents (2-5’s room only).

If a child’s name has been on the list for more than six months after the date of them wanting to start, they automatically join category number 1 on the priority list and places will then be offered in order of date of registration. This does not apply to external children.

This policy was reviewed in March 2024.