It is our policy to provide a healthy and safe environment for staff and children. The nursery has regard for the Health and Safety at Work Act 2012, the Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) and the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR).
At all times staff will cooperate fully in implementing health and safety initiatives. They will do everything possible to make sure injuries do not occur to themselves or to others. We expect our staff to take responsible care for their own health and safety at all times.
Our qualified work place first aider is Shane Page. In his absence the person in charge would call 5024 to contact the First Aider at Work at Clive Booth Hall or contact the switchboard (100) to find the location of the nearest First Aider.
All other staff have regular training in emergency first aid for children.
A first aid box is always available which is stocked according to official requirements. There is a first aid box located in the Discoverers’ room and in the kitchen. It is the responsibility of the workplace first aider to regularly check the contents and order new stock if necessary. A first aid bag is also taken on nursery outings along with any emergency medication and action plans.
Only medicine prescribed by a G.P. and provided by parents can be given to the children in our care. There are two exceptions to this; Calpol and Piriton. These can be administered, after a parents’ request and signed form, at the discretion of the manager. Calpol will only be given if the child has a high temperature and the parent was on their way to collect the child from nursery. A child will not be accepted into nursery if they have been administered Calpol to control a temperature, nor can it be administered by nursery staff if the child is not due to be collected by their parent/carer. Piriton can be administered if the child has a minor allergic reaction e.g. hayfever or hives. Parents would be called and the child monitored closely to ensure the reaction didn’t become more severe.
A medicine form will be available for parents to complete and sign, recording the timing and dosage of medicine to be given to their child as requested by the doctor. Two members of staff (one of whom is a senior) will check the details before any medicine is administered and sign the medicine form. The parent will be requested to sign the form when they collect their child. It is the responsibility of the parents to ensure all medicines are in date and to also provide updated information on the health and diet of their child.
Some children may require an action plan for certain medical conditions e.g. peanut allergy or seizures. In this case staff would be trained in the administration of the appropriate medication e.g. an epipen and staff would work closely with health professionals to ensure the child continued to receive the appropriate care.
If a child becomes ill whilst they are at nursery, we will take every possible step to contact the parents immediately and take responsible measures to care for the child until the parent arrives to take them home. We will expect parents to cooperate with us by not bringing children to the nursery if they are unwell and unable to cope with the busy nursery day, or if they have an infectious or contagious illness. Parents are required to contact the nursery if their child is too ill to attend. Staff will also be asked not to attend work under the same circumstances.
An accident book is available which must be filled in if any child or member of staff sustains an injury whilst on the premises. Details of how, when, where and to whom the accident happened must be recorded by the member of staff who saw and dealt with the injury. The treatment given must also be recorded. The child’s parent will be shown this information when the child is collected from nursery and requested to sign the form. If a child’s injury is more serious than the everyday bumps and bruises, the parent will be contacted immediately and informed of the situation. Accident records are reviewed regularly during senior meetings.
If a child arrives at the nursery with an injury that has been sustained out of nursery, the parent will be asked to complete a home incident form.
We will act on advice given by agencies such as Ofsted, Environmental Health, the Fire Brigade and NHS Direct.
The nursery also operates a no-smoking policy and smoking is not permitted on the premises.
Risk assessments are regularly carried out and reviewed and all new staff are inducted on general health and safety procedures.