Young Carer Bursary

Key facts

Start dates

September 2024 / January 2025

Available to home or international students?


Study level


Award value

£500 per year

Number of awards

All applicants who meet the criteria


If you are a young adult carer offering support to someone and you are considering full-time undergraduate study at Oxford Brookes, there is a lot of additional support that the University can offer you.

The NHS definition states that: A carer is anyone, including children and adults who looks after a family member, partner or friend who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction and cannot cope without their support.

Bursary details

  1. The Bursary is worth £500 per academic year of study.
  2. You cannot be considered for an award if you have not responded to our requests for and provided appropriate proof of your carer role.
  3. Awards cannot be claimed retrospectively for previous academic years.
  4. The University reserves the right to terminate an award and demand repayment of funds already paid in the case of disciplinary action against an award-holder.
  5. The University reserves the right to withdraw a Bursary from anyone who is found to have misled the University about any aspect of their eligibility and to seek repayment of any monies already paid by appropriate means.
  6. The Bursary is paid in two instalments each academic year: normally November and February.

Student support 

There is an excellent support system available to students who are young adult carers, and we have a dedicated contact in our Student Welfare Team who can offer support and advice during your time at Brookes. More information on support can be found at:


Eligibility criteria

To be eligible, you must:

  • be enrolled on a full-time undergraduate or foundation degree and registered as a student at Oxford Brookes University
  • start your course here in the 2024/25 academic year
  • be aged 25 years or under at the start of the course
  • have a completed Oxford Brookes student carer record form, in collaboration with the named contact for student carer support, in the Student Welfare Team
  • be formally recognised as a carer for someone as outlined by the NHS definition
  • be in receipt of statutory funding from the Student Loans Company
  • GBS students are not eligible to apply for the Young Carer Bursary

This funding is available to students studying on the following courses:


Application process

Students are requested to complete an application for the Student Carer Bursary and evidence must be in the form of a carers assessment, medical evidence of the person you are caring for, with their permission, or evidence of your role provided by a medical professional.

Please email to request an application form or support with applying for the student carer bursary.