We know that moving to a new country can be a challenge, and early preparation is crucial for student success. To encourage this, we are offering a £3,000 scholarship. To be eligible, visa-requiring students must be "CAS Ready" on CAS Shield by 22 October 2024, and non-visa students must meet all the offer conditions and pay their deposit by the same date.
In order to qualify for this scholarship, you must:
- Hold a conditional or unconditional offer from the University.
- For those students who require a visa, they must be at "CAS Ready" stage by 22 October 2024.
- For students who do not require a visa, they must have met all conditions on their offer by 22 October 2024.
- Enrol in January 2025 as a new full-time undergraduate or as a new full-time postgraduate international fee-paying student.