Recording your attendance as a student

We know that students who engage with their studies have better outcomes when they graduate. We can support you with your studies, but we need to know when you may need our help. Monitoring your engagement and attendance helps us do that.

How do I record my attendance at teaching sessions?

You will use your Moodle account to register your attendance at most timetabled sessions.  During the session, your lecturer will display a QR code and password on the screen.  

Using your smartphone

  1. Activate the camera 
  2. Point it at the QR code 
  3. Click the link, log in and Moodle will automatically register your attendance. 

Using your laptop

  1. Log in to Moodle, select My Courses and choose the course for which you’re registering your attendance
  2. Select Key Resources, then Module Attendance.  
  3. Enter the password provided on screen in your session. 

Other ways of registering your attendance

If you don’t have access to a device, please speak to the academic delivering the session and they will record your attendance on your behalf. If you were not able to record your attendance during the session, please speak to your Module Leader within 48 hours of the session and they will update the record. 

 Alert Sharing the QR code or password with anybody who is not in the room is an offence under the Student Code of Conduct, and will be monitored.

Find out more about the Student Code of Conduct

Why are you monitoring my attendance?

We want you to get the most out of your time with us at Oxford Brookes. Attending classes and engaging with your learning environment positively impacts your academic success and personal growth. We want to be able to support you and extend a helping hand, but we also need to know when that support may be needed. 

Monitoring your engagement and attendance enables us to know when to reach out to you, and provide tailored assistance, helping you flourish academically and personally, and ensuring you make the most of your time here at Oxford Brookes.

Scanning a QR code on a mobile phone

When will you contact me about my attendance?

At monthly intervals during the Semester, we will look at your engagement and attendance levels. The University’s Engagement Coordinators will contact you if it looks like you’ve not been regularly attending lectures and seminars, if you’ve missed assessment deadlines, or if you’ve not been engaging with online course content on Moodle.  

The Engagement Coordinators will help you to access the right support, such as connecting you with your Academic Advisor or Student Support Coordinator, or helping you to access the Centre for Academic Development or Student Support Services.  

If your engagement and attendance is very low and not improving, the Engagement Coordinators may take further action, such as discussing whether it may be best for you to take time out from your studies.

I need more help

If you have any further questions, please use the Attendance Monitoring Queries page in ServiceNow.