An incoming external secondment is where a member of staff from another employer (the seconding organisation) comes to work for Oxford Brookes (the host) for a defined period of time whilst maintaining their contract of employment with the seconding organisation (their substantive employer).
The individual remains employed by the seconding organisation, and is not employed by Oxford Brookes, so therefore is not eligible for the terms and conditions of Oxford Brookes University.
Incoming external secondments may be used in a number of ways, for instance:
as an advertised opportunity for specific knowledge exchange or transfer from partner organisations, such as with Lecturer-Practitioner appointments with the NHS, or
to bring in specialist professional skills that would be otherwise unavailable to the University as an alternative appointment arrangement following the advertisement of a fixed-term post unless a specific person is named on the funding agreement.
All incoming secondment posts must be supported by a job description and person specification. If the secondment opportunity is a new post, a role evaluation must be completed by the People Directorate to determine the pay grading of the post.
Vacancies are not normally available unless they are specifically to meet the needs for knowledge exchange/transfer, or to bring current professional skills into the organisation on a short to medium term basis. An advertisement for a fixed-term post may include a statement that applications for secondments are also welcome.
If considering offering a secondment to a named individual (other than one named on a research grant) the HoD should consult with the People Manager and agreement sought by the PVC Dean or Head of Directorate. It should be noted that there may be issues relating to immigration if the individual is a non-British national on a skilled workers or other visa. Such considerations should be fully explored with the host organisation before any agreement is reached in principle.
Secondments are usually arranged for a defined period of up to 2 years in the first instance. Secondments should be agreed by the Head of Department in consultation with the PVC Dean or Head of Directorate. The substantive employer continues to pay the secondee's salary and invoices the host University.
Following financial approval, the HoD should confirm the arrangements to the People manager who will arrange for a secondment agreement which sets out the obligations, expectations and accountabilities of each party and the performance objectives or outcomes expected of the secondment to be prepared.
The secondment agreement should cover the following broad issues:
- parties to the agreement: the signatories must be authorised to act on behalf of the employer.
- details of the secondment: length, whether part-time or full-time and what services will be provided (a job description should be attached as Schedule1).
- confirmation that the original contract remains in force and what the employee will do for the original employer if the secondment is part-time.
- intellectual property, data protection and confidentiality.
- costs and invoicing arrangements.
- performance, grievance and discipline.
- annual leave.
- termination of the agreement.
- insurance liability.
- performance, capability, conduct and grievance.
The external secondment agreement is a tripartite legal document and will need to be signed by the Registrar/Chief Operating Officer (or delegated other) on behalf of the University, the secondee, and the appropriate signatory from the substantive employer (the seconding organisation). The draft agreement must therefore be sent by the Head of Department to Legal Services for them to check and arrange the signature using the Instruction for Work Form.
Secondees normally work under the terms and conditions set out in their substantive contract unless otherwise agreed in a separate secondment contract. The University would need to put arrangements in place to record any annual leave taken and any periods of sickness absence and inform the substantive employer of these. The University may request a copy of the secondee's contract of employment including the main terms and conditions (including relevant policies)from the seconding organisation.
The secondee will need to be set up on People XD as an unpaid affiliate in order to access Brookes’ IT systems.