Associate Lecturers

Associate Lecturers will normally be offered a part-time, variable hours appointment for an indefinite duration. No specific minimum number of hours of weekly or monthly employment is guaranteed in any given period.

Raising a contract

Department Head/ Programme Lead
  • Discuss and agree offer of work with individual and request proof of eligibility to work in UK if progressing
  • Raise Staff Request attaching proof of eligibility work in the UK
    See also: Guidance for managers: completing the online recruitment form*
  • Provide individual with vacancy ID and staff request number and ask them to complete a recruitment form via the University vacancies pages.
People Operations Team
  • Issue contract on receipt of approved staff request and full documentation
  • The contract will be emailed to individuals Oxford Brookes email account.
Line Manager
  • Induct individual, including ensuring individual is able to access Oxford Brookes systems as appropriate
  • Ensure individual as entered bank details via People XD portal

Claims process

Associate Lecturers and Associate Researchers should use the claim form for associate members of staff and can refer to this user guide.

Casuals and Variable Hours (including Invigilators) should use the claim form for casuals and variable hours staff.