Mechanics, Materials and Design (MMD)

Group Leader(s): Dr Neil Fellows


About us

This group combines research expertise in mechanics, materials and design.

  • Mechanics - the group has expertise in structure-borne sound source characterisation, vibration and sound transmission and dynamic system parameter estimation.
  • Materials - the group works on the development of material manufacturing processes and investigates strain rate sensitivity, temperature dependency, residual stresses, strength, wear and fatigue life of materials and structures.
  • Design - the group has developed products to meet customer specifications in a wide range of fields, from bicycles to satellites. A key area is design for reliability.

Artificial knee joint testing

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Research impact

Technical image of piston deformation analysis

The MMD group has been involved in many funded research projects:

  • Developing new aluminium alloys for application in high temperature applications
  • Reducing noise within electric motors 
  • Improving damping and fatigue life of automotive headlamp units
  • Improving the manufacturing process of Metal Matrix Composites
  • Determining the life of AGR nuclear reactor graphite bricks
  • Development of a bamboo bicycle frame that capitalises on the unique damping properties of bamboo
  • Development of light weight bicycle saddles
  • Knee-rig joint simulators with emphasis on bearing insert wear

Fundamental research is carried out in:

  • Optimising systems/processes using algebraic inequalities
  • Modelling repairable flow networks and stochastic networks.
  • Reducing risk by using domain-independent methods
  • Fatigue life prediction using artificial neural networks
  • Explicit modeling and high strain material characterisation

The group carries out consultancy and test work for a variety of local and national companies. This has focused on material characterisation at room, low and elevated temperatures, as well as fatigue life prediction and component testing.


Neil Fellows

Dr Neil Fellows

Reader in Mechanical Engineering

View profile


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