Defence and Security at Oxford Brookes University (DASOBU)
Director(s): Karl Kjelstrup-Johnson
About us
Defence and Security at Oxford Brookes University (DASOBU) is a leading centre of excellence for research, knowledge exchange and training in defence and security areas.
The centre brings together government, industry and academia to analyse and tackle real world problems, including the cognitive domain and hybrid warfare threats such as cyber-attacks and circulation of disinformation in the public domain.
In our team, we aim to drive innovation that is not only cutting-edge but also practically relevant to the security challenges of our time.
Research impact

DASOBU was launched on 25 October 2023 at an event at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), the UK’s leading defence and security think tank, based in central London. More than 150 members of the UK Armed Forces and representatives from NATO attended the launch, which was part of a symposium on Reservists and the Armed Forces, for which Oxford Brookes was the academic partner.
Oxford Brookes already has leading expertise in matters such as artificial intelligence, psychology and cyber security. DASOBU will bring together these experts to conduct applied research and offer knowledge exchange with a focus on responding to and offering solutions to current and emerging threats identified by the government and its allies.

Professor Vincent Connelly
Professor & Programme Lead for Psychology

Professor Nigel Crook
Associate Dean: Research and Knowledge Exchange (ADRKE)

Karl Kjelstrup-Johnson
Director of Defence and Security (DASOBU)