Cloud Computing and Cybersecurity Group (CCC)
Group Leader(s): Professor Hong Zhu
Contact: +44 (0)18654580
About us
The Cloud Computing and Cybersecurity Group consists of staff in the school with a common research interests on cloud computing and cybersecurity and wide diversity of expertise ranging from cloud and distributed computing, software engineering, web technology, formal methods, programming languages, computing networks, mobile communication, security, artificial intelligence, to big data and data analytics.
The research addresses both foundational and practical problems of cloud computing and cybersecurity with research methodologies rooted in formal methods, software automation and development tools, and software languages.
Currently the group is working on the key areas of cloud computing and cybersecurity, including software testing and has developed a new method for testing AI applications. A novel programming language is being developed for microservice cloud native applications. An algebra of design patterns lays a foundation of proving a software design is valid, and also applicable to understand cyberpatterns. Cybersecurity is a newly established area of research and the current focus is on developing a security framework for autonomous vehicles.
Related courses
- Computing (MPhil / PhD / Masters by Research / PhD by Published Work)
- Computer Science for Cyber Security (BSc (Hons))
- Computer Science (BSc (Hons))
- Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (MSc)
Research impact

The impact from the research group includes:
- The development of a novel programming language called CAOPLE and its integrated DevOps environment CIDE for cloud computing based on the research work on agent-oriented software engineering for web-based applications.
- A formalism for the formal specification of software design patterns, an algebra of pattern composition and instantiation, a theory of validity of pattern composition and instantiation, and the application of the theory to cyberpatterns and software security designs.
- The development of an algebraic formal specification language called SOFIA for the development of service-oriented systems.
- The development of a new software testing methodology for AI applications called datamorphic testing. An automated testing tool called Morphy has been designed and implemented based on the methodology and case studies and controlled experiments have been conducted with real industrial applications of face recognitions.
- Members of the research group are actively involved in the organisation of international conferences focussed on software testing and service oriented systems.