Staff parking


Changes to parking from 1 September 2024

We are implementing a new car parking management system in September. If your staff permit expires before 31 August 2024, you will need to renew your permit but this will not incur a cost. Current daily charges remain in place until then.

Changes to staff parking

Staff permits from 1 September

A new car parking management system comes into effect from 1 September 2024, at which point all current staff parking permits will no longer be valid across all Oxford Brookes University sites. All current staff permits will be voided as of 31 August 2024. 

Any staff members who think they are eligible for a permit from 1 September are invited to complete the pre-permit application form between 18 June and 5 July 2024.  

Existing staff permits until 31 August

The University operates a virtual parking system. A daily parking charge will apply for each day you park on campus during peak hours (7.00am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday). Permit holders can pay the daily parking charge via their virtual parking account or the ‘pay and display’ machines in the car parks. As the system is virtual, linked to vehicle registration, there is no need to display a physical permit or daily ticket.

Possession of a permit does not guarantee a parking space.

Where possible, we encourage sustainable travel and have a variety of staff travel offers.

Online payment system

Staff can sign into their staff parking account and select the 'Online payment' icon to purchase top ups (pre-paid parking credits) via the 'Top up' link. 

You should use the 'Book' icon to redeem a top up credit, confirming that the vehicle is on site for a particular day. The step-by-step guide to the online payment system provides further information.

You can log into your virtual parking accounts from a mobile device, so top ups can be purchased and redeemed upon arrival, whilst sat in or walking from the vehicle.

As there is limited campus parking, top ups should only be redeemed once the vehicle is parked. Please be aware that top ups are not refundable or transferable between permits.