Staff engagement

We recognise the complexity of our organisation, the social, economic and environmental impact of our operations, as well as our role in research and as educators. Sustainability has been identified as a key enabler in the new 2035 University Strategy. This will help to underpin the strategy in line with student, staff and societal expectations regarding sustainability.  

Refer to our new Sustainable Engagement Strategy and Action Plan for more details. 

Staff in a workshop

Welcome and induction programme

As part of your welcome and induction programme, all new members of staff receive a ‘Sustainability at Brookes’ presentation from a member of the sustainability team. We'll introduce our policies, strategies and action plans and how you can get more involved in sustainability at Oxford Brookes. 

Find out more on our Sustainability website

Key initiatives we deliver

Green Impact programme

We work with the Students Organsing for Sustainability (SOS-UK) to deliver the green impact programme to our staff and students. 

Green Impact is a United Nations award-winning programme designed to support environmentally and socially sustainable practice within organisations. It shows you what you can do to make a difference, and supports you in achieving these actions. 

The programme is delivered through an online toolkit, which breaks sustainability down into simple, manageable actions. Teams of colleagues can use it to plan their activities, record their progress and upload evidence. Every year participants receive Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum awards to recognise their achievements.

For more information on the Green Impact programme, visit SOS-UK’s website.  

If you have any questions, concerns or would like to connect with an existing team, please email the Sustainability Team at We're here to help you get started!

Green impact logo

Environmental Management System framework and the UN SDGs

We strive to deliver and continually improve our performance, using an externally accredited ISO14001 environmental management system covering all aspects of sustainability. Read more in our annual EMS report.

In recognition of our local and global impacts we align and report on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We are also signatories to the Environmental Association of Universities and Colleges (EAUC) SDG Accord

The SDGs are a set of 17 global goals aimed at promoting prosperity while protecting the planet. They understand that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth. And address a range of social needs including education, health and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection. Oxford Brookes recognises the importance of engaging with the SDGs, to promote a greener and more equitable future for all. To gain a better understanding of what we deliver, refer to our annual sustainability report.

Staff raking soil at JHBB

Sustainable events

Each year we deliver Sustainability related events that staff can get directly involved with and support. Past events have included:

  • Veganuary
  • Fairtrade Fortnight
  • British Heart Foundations ‘Pack for Good’ campaign
  • Earthday
  • Our annual sustainability lecture.

Our social responsibility framework brings our mission, vision and guiding principles to life by sharing great initiatives which have a positive social or environmental impact. To find out how to get more involved, visit our social responsibility page. As part of the staff experience programme, we run two staff volunteering campaigns each academic year; one around the season of giving in December and one around Volunteers' Week in June. 

All upcoming events and staff volunteering campaigns and opportunities are advertised through the fortnightly, staff newsletter. External volunteering opportunities can also be found on the new Oxfordshire-wide volunteering website.

There are many opportunities to develop your knowledge and skills around Sustainability. For more information, please email the Sustainability team on

Staff at an event