The University does not directly invest or plan to invest in fossil fuels, arms, tobacco or alcohol, or border industry companies or any company complicit in the violation of International law. If there was an identifiable disinvestment in the future, the University is committed to directly reinvest in community renewable energy and energy projects on campus.
Read our new Ethical Investment Policy. This policy is subject to regular review by the Finance and Resources Committee on behalf of the University. In reviewing the Policy, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) will consult with the Sustainability Steering Group which includes representation from both staff and students.
Oxford Brookes has joined with the University of Cambridge, who has prepared a mandate description for banks and fund managers and issued a round 1 Request for Proposals (RfP), along with other Higher Education Institutions as a signatory institution, exploring the possibility of shifting funds into, for example:
- deposit accounts and/or managed accounts that allocate across a number of deposit-taking institutions (both instant access and term deposits)
- instant-access money market funds and/or short-dated cash-like debt fund products , amongst other products.
We as one of the signatory institutions are seeking financial products with the following characteristics:
- For fund managers: Alignment with the International Energy Agency’s( IEA’s) Net Zero Emissions (NZE), especially avoiding capital allocation to companies that are building new fossil fuel infrastructure (e.g., electrical utilities that are constructing new coal or gas plants or oil and gas companies that are constructing new pipelines) and/or exploring for new fossil fuel reserves. This includes major financiers and facilitators of fossil fuel expansionist companies (e.g., large global banks and insurers). These exclusions could be included as part of a product with a broader set of environmental, social and governance (ESG) screens.
NB: The avoidance of capital allocation to companies engaging in fossil fuel expansion is the primary objective of the Request for Proposals (RfP). - For banks: Alignment with the IEA’s NZE in the bank’s own financing and facilitation activities, including the avoidance of capital allocation to or facilitation of finance to companies that are building new fossil fuel infrastructure (e.g., electrical utilities that are constructing new coal or gas plants or oil and gas companies that are constructing new pipelines) and/or exploring for new fossil fuel reserves.
NB: The avoidance of capital allocation to companies engaging in fossil fuel expansion is the primary objective of the RfP.
Find out more and view the full Round 1 Request for Proposals.