Global Buddies

Welcoming international students to Oxford Brookes University!


Registrations for buddies and mentors are now open!

Please go to our section below, Register as a Buddy or Mentor, to sign up.

Global Buddies matches existing students (Mentors) and new international students (Buddies) in a programme of joint fun activities designed to create a warm and friendly welcome to Oxford Brookes University. It doesn't matter whether you are shy or outgoing, anyone can join as a mentor or as a buddy.

What is Global Buddies?

Global Buddies runs in the Autumn and Spring semesters and brings together our current UK and current international students, who we call Mentors, with newly arrived international students, called Buddies, through organised events and activities. Many of these events are subsidised, and our events team has even organised the first 4 weeks, so bring your enthusiasm along and eagerness with you to make new friends. Groups are also free to organise their own activities!

Mentors can share their experiences and provide tips about how to settle into life at Brookes and Oxford, and new international students will share their unique experiences and culture.

How does it work?

After registrations close, the Global Buddies Coordinators will match 1 Mentor with a small group of Buddies based on common interests. You will then meet up with your Mentor for the first time at the Welcome Event in week 2. Each group, led by a Mentor, will attend activities and events together throughout the semester which may be events organised by the Global Buddies Coordinators and/or your own activities. 

How do I join?

  • Read all the information available on this webpage before signing up to ensure the programme is right for you.
  • Complete the Registration Form below. Please note, the forms for Buddies and Mentors are different so make sure you complete the one applicable to you. 
  • Read, sign and email back to us the rules document  below. Your registration will then be completed!

Due to the high number of registrations we receive each semester, we are unable to send an email to each individual Buddy to confirm you have successfully registered. We will get in contact with you on 24 September to tell you who your Mentor and group are.  If you don’t hear from us by this date, please email

We will acknowledge all Mentor registrations.

Register as a Mentor or Buddy

Become a Buddy (open to new international students starting in September 2024)

Registrations are now open.

Why become a Buddy?

Starting at university can be a challenging time, especially if you are also travelling to a new country and adjusting to a new culture. Being part of Global Buddies helps make this experience a positive and rewarding one.

  • A great way to make new friends from around the globe and have intercultural experiences.
  • Settle into Oxford life more quickly.
  • Share your unique culture with others and spread intercultural awareness.
  • Make new friends from around the globe.
  • Learn more about the British culture through our Mentors as well as other cultures.

Become a Mentor (current students who started their course before September 2024)

Registrations are now open.

You must be able to attend the compulsory in person training on 24 September, 18.00 - 19.00 and the Welcome Event on 1 October, 18.00 - 19.30. If this clashes with your lectures, then please email us. You must also be able to attend a mentor feedback session before the end of the programme.

Why become a Mentor?

  • A great way to make new friends from around the globe and share intercultural experiences.
  • This is not a paid position, but it does develop employability skills through transferable skills, such as team building and leadership and looks great on a CV.
  • Build confidence leading others through your own personal experiences in a supportive environment.
  • Opportunity to join an informal Mentor catch-up to share tips and experience with other Mentors.

You can become a Mentor if you are a current UK or international student. You will be responsible for leading a group of new international students to help them integrate into UK life and encourage them to make new friends.

Rewards on completion

  • Receive a Certificate of Participation (you will need to write a 200-word paragraph and send 3 photos with your group doing different activities).
  • Prize for most engaged group


  • Receive a Certificate of Participation (you will need to write a 200-word paragraph and send 3 photos with your group doing different activities).
  • Prize for most engaged group
  • Mentors Skills Session - How to Sell YOU and Your Skills to Employers with a Winning CV. This will be added to your certificate if you attend.
  • A prize for the best Mentor (nominations from Buddies)

More details will be provided after joining the programme.

Global Buddies events: January 2024

The event schedule for September 2024 will be added over summer.

Week / DateActivity

Week 1

Tuesday 30 January, 18.00 - 19.00

On campus

Mentor Training (in person compulsory training)

During this compulsory session, we will share tools and information to help you succeed as a Mentor. We will share details closer to the date.

Week 2
Tuesday 6 February, 18.00 – 19.30

On campus

Compulsory Welcome Event

It’s time to meet your group! More details to come!

Week 4

Tuesday 20 February, 17.00 - 19.00

On campus

Board game event

Have fun playing games and getting to know other Buddies and Mentors! Refreshments provided.

Week 5

Saturday 2 March

Treasure Hunt

You will follow a set of clues on your phone provided by the Treasure Hunt company. Solve clues, read maps and get to see a different side of Oxford!

Week 7
(only for Mentors)

Tuesday 5 March, 12.30 - 13.30

Mentor Skills Session - How to Sell YOU and Your Skills to Employers with a Winning CV 

The Mentor Skills Session is a 1 hour in person session, facilitated by Careers and provides Mentors with important knowledge and skills for employability and how you can make the most of your mentor experience.

Week 7

Opens: Wednesday 6 March

Deadline: Friday 15 March

Unusual Oxford Video Competition

Take a 2-3 minute video with your group in an “unusual” site in Oxford. The group submitting the best video will get a prize. The video should give a brief description of a place in Oxford you find unusual or interesting and explain why you think so. 

Games night
Games night
Junkyard Golf, Oxford
Junkyard Golf, Oxford
Ice skating
Ice skating

What our students say

“This semester being a global buddy has been amazing. I have attended the junkyard golf event, and the board games event. Moreover, I have seen my buddies during other events around university too and going for meals too. It was nice to meet people that were so nice, friendly and kind to communicate with, and I feel doing global buddies therefore has made my university experience very rewarding, enjoyable, and memorable.”

“I have enjoyed Global buddies a lot this semester. I have had meet people from different parts of the world and made a lot of new friends. I have enjoyed the activities that were planned for us and also the activities that we did as a group on our own such as going to the pub to watch football matches.”