Face-to-face exams

The majority of examinations are written exams which are sat face-to-face in an exam room or hall.

Some exams are online and details of these will be provided to you in due course. Please see the online exams page for information.

Exam locations

Semester 1, Semester 1 Resits, Semester 2 Resits 2023/24

Face-to-face exams will take place at the Headington Campus. If you have alternative provision arrangements (an ISP), check your Brookes Google calendar for more information. 

Semester 2 2023/24

Face-to-face exams in Semester 2 2023/24 will take place at the King's Centre in the Oxford city centre. If you have alternative provision arrangements (an ISP), check your Brookes Google calendar for more information. Please note, there is no parking at the King's Centre.

Swindon-based students will have exams at Swindon.

Exam timetable and key dates

Getting to the King's Centre

If you are taking a standard written exam at the King's Centre, follow these 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Check your personal Google calendar from Week 7 for the dates and times of your exams.

Step 2: Catch the dedicated exam bus service (see the timetable) to get to and from the King's Centre. Alternatively, the site is located a short walk from the Oxford train station and the standard 400 BROOKESbus and other local routes. If making your own way to the venue, please ensure you allow extra travel time (note, there is no parking for students at the King's Centre).

Step 3: Please arrive at the King's Centre at least 30 minutes prior to your exam start time. There will be clear signposting on the day and University staff on hand to help direct you. There is a large reception area outside the exam rooms with toilets, tables and chairs while you wait. Drinking water is available. The map below can guide you to the appropriate exam hall.

The King's Centre

Image credit: Photo by MChe Lee on Unsplash