Step 1: Ask your minister or faith leader to provide a letter stating that you are a practising member of the faith and that the request is to accommodate your beliefs as you normally practise them. The letter should briefly explain what your beliefs require us to do to accommodate you.
Step 2: Complete the Examination Religious Observance Form in Student Requests, making sure you have provided all details. Upload the letter from your minister or faith leader as Evidence.
Step 3: You will be emailed to confirm that your registration has been approved. We will attempt to timetable the exams to fit your requirements but we cannot guarantee this.
Step 4: Check your exam timetable once it is published to ensure that your requirements have been met. If we have been unable to accommodate your request then you will need to make a change of exam date application. See the examination regulations for details of the process for changed assessment arrangements.
Step 5: We will email you to confirm any other special arrangements we have made to accommodate your religious practice needs.