Scheme for additional planned unpaid leave

Employees may opt to add up to 5 additional days unpaid leave per year to their annual leave entitlement at the beginning of the leave year (or in the case of new staff, the start of their employment with the University). The cost of the additional days will be calculated using the employee's hourly rate of pay and be spread throughout the leave year (or what remains of it in the case of new staff) meaning that the impact of any loss of salary is spread over a longer time period. Please note: Additional unpaid leave for part-time staff will be calculated on a pro-rata basis.

The scheme is intended to offer staff additional planned leave and does not in any way affect their right to request leave under the University’s policies for compassionate leave or special leave.

No more than 5 days leave in total (including any additional days the employee has chosen to take) can be carried forward into the next holiday year.

Each additional day’s leave will be costed using the employee’s hourly rate of pay. Hourly rates of pay are calculated as follows:

  • Annual salary/365(days per year) x 7 (days per week) = weeks per year /hours per week = Hourly rate

Example for a member of staff currently working 1 fte on point 1 of Grade 6:

  • (£18,517 ÷ 365) x 7 = £355.11 per week
  • £355.11 ÷ 37 = £9.60 per hour.

Similarly for a member if staff currently working 0.5 fte on point 1 of Grade 6:

  • (£9258.5 ÷ 365) x 7 = £177.56 per week
  • £177.56 ÷ 18.5 = £9.60 per hour.

For an employee working 7.4 hours per day, an additional day's leave would therefore be costed at:

  • 7.4 hours x £9.60 = £71.04 gross per day

In some circumstances, adding additional unpaid leave to their holiday entitlement may not be the most appropriate arrangement for individual employees. In such instances, alternative arrangements more appropriate to the individual case may be agreed between the employee and their Faculty/Directorate. Alternative arrangements could include leave in accordance with the University’s Family Policies

The suitability of any of the above for any situation should be considered as a possible alternative if it is appropriate.

Staff interested in using the scheme should discuss their request with their line manager and apply to their link People Manager using the Additional annual leave scheme form. The form should be submitted at least one month before the start of the holiday year or as soon as is reasonably practicable in the case of new staff.