1. The University is committed to supporting the valuable contribution made to this Country by Reserve Forces and also by Cadet Adult Instructors.
2. Reservists will be required to undertake further training in addition to their annual continuous training period. The typical minimum commitment is 27 days (of which there should normally be a 15 day annual continuous training period) and a number of additional days training may also be required. For most reservists this will typically involve weekend training and one evening a week. There may also be some occasional weekday events.
3. Paid leave of up to 12 days a year will normally be granted for reservist training, pro rata for staff working part time hours. This paid leave will be granted subject to agreement in advance by the PVC/Dean of Faculty/Director.
4. Sympathetic consideration will also be given to any flexible working requests, made by reservist employees, where that request is to assist with military commitments.
5. Reservist employees who choose to participate in Armed Forces Day by coming to work in military uniform will be supported in doing so and afforded every courtesy.
6. Employees called up for compulsory military service under the Reserve Forces Act (1996) should receive 28 days notice and will receive a letter with their mobilisation papers that they must give to their line manager. Where less notice is given this will likely be due to the need for their call-up to be urgent. Managers will be required to accommodate the notice period that they are provided with.
7. The University can also receive some limited financial compensation for the employee absence. See Gov.UK: Rights and responsibilities for reservists and employers.
8. The University would not normally wish to stop an employee who receives a call up from attending military service, but can exceptionally appeal against the decision if they feel the employee’s absence will cause demonstrably serious problems and/or significant harm to the University.
9. After service, reservists are given a period of leave by their unit; the University does not ask them to return to work before their leave finishes. Reservists should write to their line manager as soon as they know when they can return to work and they will be re-employed as soon as they’re able to. In exceptional circumstances, if it is not practicable for them to continue in the same job, they will be offered a post with equivalent terms and conditions of employment.
10. A return to work plan, including the possibility of a phased return to work will be offered to reservist employees who have been involved in mobilised service. The plan will be initiated by the employee's line manager and will be developed through discussions between the employee themselves, their line manager, their People manager and, where required, Occupational Health. Managers are asked to give every reasonable consideration to those reservist employees returning from mobilised service, to help support their return.
11. Separate provision for exists for staff who volunteer as Cadet Adult Instructors and who attend summer camp. These staff are entitled to a one week addition to their annual leave entitlement. Staff with the basic leave entitlement of 25 days can apply for up to one weeks further paid leave for attendance at summer camp. Whether the additional leave is granted will depend on circumstances and is at the discretion of the Directorate of Human Resources.