Databases are collections of information. In Business you will need a wide variety of information including books, journals, accounting information, market research reports, company, market and industry analysis. If you are not sure what databases to use, we have listed them by the type of information available on them in the links below this one.
Business Source Complete
A huge database of academic journal articles, magazine articles, trade journals, reports, country profiles, industry profiles, and company profiles on all aspects of business including management.
EconLit with Full Text
Key economics databases containing academic journal articles, conference papers, book reviews and working papers from the America Economic Association. Many journal articles are available in full text.
Emerald Insight
This database contains academic and theoretical articles on management and business, including business strategy and the environment and aspects of quality control. The database provides abstracts from 1969 onwards and the full text of many journal articles is available from 1989.
International news database providing archive of over 12,000 sources from 152 countries in 22 languages. Leading national newspapers, trade and professional journals, the BBC Monitoring Service (transcripts of world radio broadcasts) are all included. No data harvesting, systematic reviews, or large data exports are permitted - the supplier will suspend access if mass downloading is conducted.
Fame contains the accounts and other details of over 160,000 of the largest active UK and Irish companies. It provides 10 years of financial history information, shareholders, subsidiaries, corporate structures and stock profile data for quoted companies.
IBISWorld, a database with market information for a wide range of industries. IBISWorld is particularly strong on: heavier industries (mining, agriculture, construction) manufacturing service and entertainment sectors (including tourism and the arts), education and healthcare.
MarketLine provides accurate and up-to-date research reports on companies, industries and countries for every major marketplace in the world. Reports include Company SWOT analysis, Industry Five Forces Analysis and Country PESTLE analysis.
Mergent contains financial data for over 14,000 U.S and 27,000 International companies and annual reports for over 300, 000 globally listed companies going back 20 years. It includes the Dun & Bradstreet® Private Company Database and the Thomson Reuters Embargoed Research Collection (Investext) which offers authoritative analysis of companies, industries, products and countries.
Mintel contains market research reports on the UK consumer with information on consumer lifestyles as well as industry, leisure, retail, travel and tourism reports.
Orbis contains the accounts and other details of over 1.3 million international companies, including the UK. It provides 10 years of financial history information, shareholders, subsidiaries, corporate structures and stock profile data for quoted companies. Patent information is available for over 100,000 companies.
Passport contains international country, consumer lifestyles, economic and market research reports from Euromonitor International.
Statista offers access to statistics and studies on 80,000 topics and 170 industries. It contains statistics, infographics, market surveys, consumer surveys, industry and country reports. Sources include government institutions, such as statistical offices and ministries, international organisations, market research institutes, and trade journals. Data on the gross advertising market (Nielsen) and buying and consumption behaviour/brands(VuMa) and other paid sources such as Mintel, YouGov, eMarketer, Kantar and PwC are also included.
A database from the World Advertising Research Center, it covers journals, news, case studies and data on advertising and marketing.
Web of Science
In spite of its name, this database covers all subject areas. It's particularly useful for tracking citations to key articles. On Web of Science you can view an article and see a list of the author’s 'Cited References' - those sources that influenced the author. You can also see the article's influence on subsequent publications via the 'Times Cited' option.