Enterprise Support

Build skills, develop confidence, be inspired and realise your ambitions

About Enterprise Support

Brookes Enterprise provides tailored support for students, graduates, and staff through specialised business programmes, funding opportunities, events, and resources designed to nurture entrepreneurship.

With a proven history of empowering students and graduates to establish high-growth ventures, we are committed to cultivating an inspiring ecosystem and community for entrepreneurial advancement.

Enterprise Impact Report 2023/24

Welcome to this Directorate of RIE Enterprise Impact Report, focusing specifically on the Enterprise portfolio of activities. This is the first such dedicated enterprise report since the inception of the Directorate, and provides a welcome opportunity to be able to share some more detailed insights into this area, and reflect on the developments and achievements to date. 

Following a period of review and renewal, this report focuses on both the Enterprise Centre and Brookes Enterprise Support teams, during the last academic year, 2023/24. However, from next year, it will also include Technology Transfer, following its recent move to Enterprise. We hope that you enjoy reading about the work of the Enterprise Teams.

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