Jennifer Schivas, Managing Director at 67 Bricks.
67 Bricks is a software development consultancy who build information products for the data-driven world. Their custom-built solutions enable publishers to increase the value of their content, support existing and new business models, enable better reuse of content and deliver increased revenues from digital products. Jennifer says:
"Upon joining the programme we were entering a dedicated period of planned change and growth. Many of the challenges we face are related to managing the transition from “agile startup” to established small-medium business. For example, how to retain the culture that early employees loved and made us unique as we grow, how to implement appropriate lightweight processes without stifling the creativity, autonomy and agility of our staff and how to hire the best people in the extremely competitive software development space.
We joined the group with an open mind and as it was a new initiative we were not sure what to expect, we were hoping to gain:
- The opportunity to meet and learn from business leaders in the local area who are grappling with similar issues.
- More formal knowledge of best practice and thought leadership around business and management from the staff at Oxford Brookes
- Some practical ideas we could take and put into action
And I am pleased to say we have gained all three. The sessions are a safe space to discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by our businesses openly; this allows members to ask the right questions and really help each other get to the root of their issues.
We’re already making positive changes as a result of being part of the Scale Up group. For example we have taken specific steps to improve our hiring process, to help us retain top talent and to ensure our financial processes are robust. I have an increased confidence that as a company we are caring about and prioritising the right things and have the skills and drive to make the changes we need to grow."