CEO Club

For larger businesses, leaders meet to cocreate solutions and access expert input from Brookes.

What is the CEO Club?

CEO Club is a peer to peer online action learning group for Chief Executives (or equivalent) of larger Oxfordshire organisations with a limited group size of 6 members per group.

The Club aims to act like a “high performing non-exec board giving support and challenge”, that will support all members equally and confidentially.

A pilot group helped design and trial the programme in the Autumn of 2020, with the first full cohort run in 2021, and with multiple cohorts running from early 2022 onwards. The feedback on the operation and impact of the Club has been excellent, demonstrating real influence over organisational leadership issues and decision-making.

Next CEO Club: TBC. Apply now to join waitlist 

Further information

Feedback from previous cohorts

“The CEO club creates a trusted environment supported by individuals of high integrity, business acumen and analytical minds. Trust being in the centre of the values that the group uses to be able to discuss real business and operational challenges in an open forum without judgment or assumption. Because of these factors, each participant gains the maximum return which encourages the afore mentioned and the 'beneficial wheel' just keeps turning. It’s a pleasure and a gift to be part of the group”

Paul Ballinger, Managing Director, STL Communications

“The CEO group has been absolutely brilliant. The action learning setup means you get as much from thinking about other people's problems as you do from putting your own problems out there and inviting feedback. You sit there and you say, in a month of Sundays, I would never have thought to ask that question or to approach it that way. It is nonstop stimulation and Oxford Brookes bring in their own experts to give us really good stimulus material. It's been invaluable, and I want to keep going.”

Dominic Hare, Chief Executive Officer, Blenheim Palace


Contact us

OBBS Business and External Engagement

+44 (0) 1865 534800 (OBBS Reception > Option 4 > Option 1)