
“There is so much on the course that you can't possibly take in all at once. But I've taken notes and have come up with the five areas for growth and I can always revert back to the Modules in the future. Through identifying those five points, we now have a focus, we have timelines on it and we have a purpose. I knew all of this before, but the course and being on there with others, brought it all together. We now have a strategy and a target for the next couple of years that is going to guarantee us growth.”

James Foster - Managing Director of Access Security Products Ltd

“The closer the relationship you develop with your customers, the better it is for your business, especially for the kind of business we do. And that's one thing Help to Grow has helped our organisation as a whole to improve on. Some of the things that we did during the sessions, during the workshops, really helped to go a long way in helping us shape our growth plan.”

Olusola Famoriyo - Chief Executive Officer of Imperf Consulting Limited

“The operations part of the module from the Help to Grow scheme was really good for us to have a look at the different kind of organisational structures you could have. We have now planned out our organisation chart for the next five years. I'm using one of the tools they shared with us, i.e. we have 50 different ways of cutting the organisation chart and it's a great tool for us to explore some different ways of thinking about our departments within the business, e.g. if there is any room for pivots within roles.”

James Hakesley - Chief Executive Officer of CUBE

“It was an opportunity for me as the marketing manager at the time to try and take on a more senior leadership position and become a business leader, which is something I didn't have any experience in. And so I joined the Help to Grow programme to get not only an insight, but to learn from others who were already in that position. So the growth challenge was not necessarily about growing the business and making it get bigger, but it was about understanding which route is the best one to take.”

Nikita Thorn - Chief Operating Officer of Guides for Brides