Gina Dalton is the Pro Vice-Chancellor for Education at Oxford Brookes University
She has worked in various academic roles within the university for the last 25 years, most recently as the Associate Dean for Education and Student Experience in the Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment.
Her background is in environmental sustainability and development planning. She has a BSc in Environmental Science and an MSc in Real Estate and is completing her PhD in education at the Institute of Education, UCL. Her thesis examines the role of the large undergraduate lecture in the 21st-century university.
As PVC Education, Gina provides strategic leadership for education through the Education and Enterprise pillar for the Oxford Brookes Strategy 2035. Her key priorities are the Teaching Excellence Framework 2023 submission, degree apprenticeship oversight for OFSTED, and implementing the revised Academic Advising process.
Her interests are digitally enhanced education and embedding employability. Recently she has been leading on the University's response to artificial intelligence tools in assessment.
Prior to working in higher education, Gina worked in finance.