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(Publications that are marked * have actually appeared).
96. On the validity of the Imbert-Fick law: mathematical modelling of tonometry. In preparation, to be submitted to bull. Math. Bio
95. Foster, J.M. & Fitt, A.D. The halting of contact lines in slender viscous films driven by gravity and surface tension gradients, Phys, Fluids 26,073601 (2014).*
Chapman, S.J.. & Fitt, A.D. The Kelly criterion and Markowitz portfolio theory for horse-race betting and share speculation, submitted to SIAM J. Appl. Math.
94. Ismail, Z., Fitt, A.D. & Please, C.P. A fluid mechanical explanation of the spontaneous reattachment of a previously detached Descemet membrane, IMA J. Math Appl Med (2013) 30, 339-355.*
93. Fitt, A.D. Gold Open Access: my heart says yes but my head says no, Mathematics Today 49, 2013, 65-68. Download Gold Open Access: my heart says yes but my head says no final version sent to publishers*
92. Fitt, A. D. Generalized exact solutions for boundary layer flow and heat transfer over permeable stretching sheets, Appl. Math. Comput. 219, 2012, 1468-1473 Download Generalized exact solutions for boundary layer flow and heat transfer over permeable stretching sheets final version sent to publishers*
91. Foster, J.M., Please, C.P. & Fitt, A.D. The slow spreading of several viscous films over a deep viscous pool, Physics of Fluids 24, 2012, 063601 Download The slow spreading of several viscous films over a deep viscous pool final version sent to publishers*
90. Hocking, W.L., Sweatman, W.L., Fitt, A.D. & Breward, C. Deformations arising during air-knife stripping in the galvanisation of steel, in Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2010, Mathematics in Industry 17 (eds Gunther M., Bartel, A. Brunk, M. Schops, S. & Streibel, M.), Springer Berlin-Heidelberg 2012, 311-317 Download Deformations arising during air-knife stripping in the galvanisation of steel final version sent to publishers*
89. Foster, J.M., Please, C.P., Fitt, A.D. & Richardson, G. The reversing of interfaces in slow diffusion processes with strong absorption, SIAM J. Appl. Math. 72, 2012, 144-162. Download The reversing of interfaces in slow diffusion processes with strong absorption publication (SIAM kindly allows this!)*
88. Foster, J.M., Please, C.P. & Fitt, A.D. The slow spreading of a viscous fluid film over a deep viscous film, J. Eng. Math. 71, 2011, 393-408 Download The slow spreading of a viscous fluid film over a deep viscous film final version sent to publishers*
87. Hocking, G.C., Sweatman, W.L., Fitt, A.D. & Breward, C. Deformations during jet-stripping in the galvanizing process, J. Eng. Math. 70, 2011, 297-306. Download Deformations during jet-stripping in the galvanizing process final version sent to publishers*
86. Fitt, A.D., Norbury, J., Ockendon, H. & Wilson, E. (eds.) Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI2008. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 2010, ISBN 978-3-642-12109-8 (HB). Publication Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI2008 information*
85. Cuminato, J.A., Fitt, A.D., Mphaka, M.J.S. & Nagamine, A. A singular integro-differential equation model for dryout in LMFBR boiler tubes. IMA J. Appl. Math. 75, 2010, 269-290. Download A singular integro-differential equation model for dryout in LMFBR boiler tubes publication*84. Fitt, A.D., Goodwin, A.R.H., Ronaldson, K.A. & Wakeham, W.A. A fractional differential equation for a MEMS viscometer used in the oil industry. J. Comp. Appl. Math. 229, 2009, 373-381. Download A fractional differential equation for a MEMS viscometer used in the oil industry final version sent to publishers*
83. Voyce, C.J., Fitt, A.D., Hayes, J.R. & Monro, T.M. Mathematical modeling of the self-pressurizing mechanism for microstructured fiber drawing. IEEE J. Lightwave Technology 27, 2009, 871-878. Download Mathematical modeling of the self-pressurizing mechanism for microstructured fiber drawing final version sent to publishers*
82. Fitt, A.D. Markowitz portfolio theory for soccer spread betting. IMA J. Man. Math. 20, 2009, 167-184. Download Markowitz portfolio theory for soccer spread betting final version sent to publishers*
81. Wakeham, W.A., Fitt, A.D., Ronaldson, K.A. & Goodwin, A.R.H. A review of vibrating objects for the measurement of density and viscosity in oilfields including devices fabricated by the method of MEMS. High Temp.- High Press. 37, 2008, 137-151. Download A review of vibrating objects for the measurement of density and viscosity in oilfields including devices fabricated by the method of MEMS publication*
80. Voyce, C.J., Fitt, A.D. & Monro, T.M. Mathematical modeling as an accurate predictive tool in capillary and microstructured fiber manufacture: the effects of preform rotation. IEEE J. Lightwave Technology 26, 2008, 791-798. Download Mathematical modeling as an accurate predictive tool in capillary and microstructured fiber manufacture: the effects of preform rotation publication*
79. Voyce, C.J., Fitt, A.D. & Monro, T.M. The mathematical modelling of rotating capillary tubes for holey-fibre manufacture. J. Eng. Math. 60, 2008, 69-87. Download The mathematical modelling of rotating capillary tubes for holey-fibre manufacture publication*
78. Fitt, A.D. Flow in the Canal of Schlemm and its Influence on Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006 (Eds. Bonilla, L.L., Moscoso, M., Platero, G. & Vega, J.M.), Springer, 2008, 843-847. Download Flow in the Canal of Schlemm and its Influence on Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2006 publication*
77. Fitt, A.D., Mason, D.P. & Moss, E.A. Group invariant solution for a pre-existing fluid-driven fracture in impermeable rock. Z. angew. Math. Phys. 58, 2007, 1049-1067. Download Group invariant solution for a pre-existing fluid-driven fracture in impermeable rock publication*
76. Wakeham, W.A., Assael, M.A., Atkinson, J.K., Bilek, J., Fareleira, J.M.N.A., Fitt, A.D., Goodwin, A.R.H. & Oliveira, C.M.B.P. Thermophysical Property Measurements: The Journey from Accuracy to Fitness for Purpose. Int J. Thermophysics 28, 2007, 372-416. Download Thermophysical Property Measurements: The Journey from Accuracy to Fitness for Purpose publication*
75. Cuminato, J.A., Fitt, A.D. & McKee, S. A Review of Linear and Nonlinear Cauchy Singular Integral and Integro-differential Equations arising in Mechanics Problems. J. Int. Equations Appl. 19, 2007, 163-207. Download A Review of Linear and Nonlinear Cauchy Singular Integral and Integro-differential Equations arising in Mechanics Problems publication (final version sent to publishers)*
74. Fitt, A.D., Lee, M.E.M. & Please, C.P. Analysis of heat flow and "channelling" in a scraped surface heat exchanger. J. Eng. Math. 57, 2007, 407-422. Download Analysis of heat flow and "channelling" in a scraped surface heat exchanger publication (final version sent to publishers)*
73. Sun, K.-H., Pyle, D.L., Fitt, A.D. & Please, C.P. Heat transfer in lid driven channels with power law fluids in a hydrodynamic fully developed flow field. Comp. Chem. Eng. 31, 2006, 32-40. Download Heat transfer in lid driven channels with power law fluids in a hydrodynamic fully developed flow field publication (final version sent to publishers)*
72. Goodwin, A.R.H., Fitt, A.D., Ronaldson, K.A., & Wakeham, W.A. A vibrating plate fabricated by the methods of micro electric mechanical systems (MEMS) for the simultaneous measurement of density and viscosity: results for argon at temperatures between 323 and 423K at pressures up to 68MPa. Int. J. Thermyophys. 27, 2006, 1650-1676. Download A vibrating plate fabricated by the methods of micro electric mechanical systems (MEMS) for the simultaneous measurement of density and viscosity: results for argon at temperatures between 323 and 423K at pressures up to 68MPa publication*
71. Ronaldson, K.A., Fitt, A.D, Goodwin, A.R.H. & Wakeham, W.A. Transversley oscillating MEMS viscometer: the "spider". Int. J. Thermophys. 27, 2006, 1677-1695. Download Transversley oscillating MEMS viscometer: the "spider publication*
70. Fitt, A.D., Howls, C.J. & Kabelka, M. Valuation of soccer spread bets. J. Oper. Res. Soc. 57, 2006, 975-985. Download Valuation of soccer spread bets publication (final version sent to publishers)*
69. Fitt, A.D. & Gonzalez, G. Fluid Mechanics of the human eye: aqueous humour flow in the anterior chamber. Bull. Math. Bio. 68, 2006, 53-71. Download Fluid Mechanics of the human eye: aqueous humour flow in the anterior chamber publication*
68. Sun, K.-H., Pyle, D.L., Baines, M.J., Hall-Taylor, N. & Fitt, A.D. Velocity profiles and frictional pressure drop for shear thinning materials in lid driven cavities with fully developed axial flow, Chem. Eng. Sci. 61, 2006, 4697-4706. Download Velocity profiles and frictional pressure drop for shear thinning materials in lid driven cavities with fully developed axial flow publication (final version sent to publishers - Elsevier does not allow Download of journal copy)*
67. Goodwin, A.R.H., Donzier, E.P., Vancauwenberghe, O., Fitt, A.D., Neil, K.A., Wakeham, W.A., Manrique de Lara, M., Marty, F., & Mercier, B. A vibrating edge supported plate, fabricated by the methods of micro electric mechanical system (MEMS), for the simultaneous measurement of density and viscosity: results for Methylbenzene and Octane at temperatures between (323 and 423) K and pressures in the range (0.1 to 68) MPa. J. Chem. Eng. Data 51, 2006, 190-208. Download A vibrating edge supported plate, fabricated by the methods of micro electric mechanical system (MEMS), for the simultaneous measurement of density and viscosity: results for Methylbenzene and Octane at temperatures between (323 and 423) K and pressures in the range (0.1 to 68) MPa publication*
66. Voyce, C.J., Fitt, A.D., & Monro, T.M. Mathematical model of the spinning of microstructured fibres, Optics Express 12, 2004, 5810-5820. Download Mathematical model of the spinning of microstructured fibres publication*
65. Fitt, A.D., Ockendon, J.R. & Please, C.P. Free boundary problems in the steel industry Chinese J. Engng. Math. 21, 2004, 285-306. Download Free boundary problems in the steel industry publication*
64. Fitt, A.D., Kozyreff, G. & Ockendon, J.R. Inertial levitation J. Fluid Mech. 508, 2004, 165-174. Download Inertial levitation publication*
63. Fitt, A.D. & Please, C.P. On the separation of coconuts: a modeling week study. SIAM Review 46, 2004, 128-139. Download On the separation of coconuts: a modeling week study publication*
62. Sun, K.-H., Pyle, D.L., Fitt, A.D., Please, C.P., Baines, M. & Hall-Taylor, N. Numerical study of 2D heat transfer in a scraped surface heat exchanger. Computers and Fluids 33, 2004, 869-880. Download Numerical study of 2D heat transfer in a scraped surface heat exchanger publication*
61. Buikis, A., Ciegis, R. & Fitt, A.D. (eds.) Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI2002. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 2004, ISBN 3-540-40113-X (HB). Details of Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI2002 publication*
60. Voyce, C.J., Fitt, A.D. & Monro, T. Mathematical modelling of the drawing of spun capillary tubes, in: Buikis, A., Ciegis, R. & Fitt, A.D. Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 2004, 387-391. Download Mathematical modelling of the drawing of spun capillary tubes publication*
59. Gonzalez, G. & Fitt, A.D. A mathematical model for tonometry, in: Buikis, A., Ciegis, R. & Fitt, A.D. Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 2004, 285-290. Download A mathematical model for tonometry publication*
58. Fitt, A.D. & Mphaka, M.J.S. Asymptotic and numerical aspects of a nonlinear singular integro-differential equation for dryout in a LMFBR boiler tube, in: Buikis, A., Ciegis, R. & Fitt, A.D. Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2002. Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag 2004, 265-269. Download Asymptotic and numerical aspects of a nonlinear singular integro-differential equation for dryout in a LMFBR boiler tube publication*
57. Braun, R.J. & Fitt, A.D. Modelling drainage of the precorneal tear film after a blink. Mathematical Medicine and Biology 20, 2003, 1-28. Download Modelling drainage of the precorneal tear film after a blink publication*
56. Gonzalez, G. & Fitt, A.D. The mathematical modelling of human eyes - a PHD study. Mathematics Today 39, 2003, 20-25. Download The mathematical modelling of human eyes - a PHD study publication*
55. Fitt, A.D. & Owen, J.R. Simultaneous measurements of conductivity and thickness for polymer electrolyte films: a simulation study. J. Electroanal. Chem. 538, 2002, 13-23. Download Simultaneous measurements of conductivity and thickness for polymer electrolyte films: a simulation study publication*
54. Fitt, A.D., Furusawa, K, Monro, T.M. Please, C.P. & Richardson, D.J. The mathematical modelling of capillary drawing for holey fibre manufacture. J. Eng. Math. 43, 2002, 201-227. Download The mathematical modelling of capillary drawing for holey fibre manufacture publication*
53. Canning, C.R., Dewynne, J.N., Fitt, A.D. & Greaney, M.J. Fluid flow in the anterior chamber of a human eye. IMA J. Math. Appl. Med. Bio. 19, 2002, 31-60. Download Fluid flow in the anterior chamber of a human eye publication*
52. Fitt, A.D., Howell, P.D., King, J.R., Please, C.P. & Schwendemann, D.W. Multiphase flow in a roll press nip. Euro. J. Appl. Math. 13, 2002, 225-259. Download Multiphase flow in a roll press nip publication*
51. Fitt, A.D., Furusawa, K., Monro, T.M. & Please, C.P. Modeling the fabrication of hollow fibres: capillary drawing. IEEE J. Lightwave Technology 19, 2001, 1924-1931. Download Modeling the fabrication of hollow fibres: capillary drawing publication*
50. Fitt, A.D. & Cumberbatch, E. (eds.) Mathematical Modeling: Case Studies From Industry. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. ISBN 0-521-65007-0 (HB) 0-521-00173-6 Details of Mathematical Modeling: Case Studies From Industry publication*
49. Fitt, A.D. Determining the viscosity of a carbon paste used in smelting. in: Cumberbatch, E. & Fitt, A.D. (eds) Mathematical Modeling: Case Studies From Industry. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Download Determining the viscosity of a carbon paste used in smelting publication*
48. Fitt, A.D. & Pope, M.P. The unsteady motion of two-dimensional flags with bending stiffness. J. Eng. Math. 40, 2001, 227-248. Download The unsteady motion of two-dimensional flags with bending stiffness publication*
47. Fitt, A.D. & Pope, M.P. De-icing by slot injection. Acta Mechanica 147, 2001, 73-86. Download publication*
46. Fitt, A.D. & Please, C.P. Asymptotic analysis of the flow of shear-thinning foodstuffs in annular scraped heat exchangers. J. Eng. Math. 39, 2001, 345-366. Download De-icing by slot injection publication*
45. Fitt, A.D. Online Share Investing:A UK Guide. Prentice Hall 2000, 289pp. ISBN 0-273-65370-0 Publication details*
44. Fitt, A.D. & Lattimer, T.R.B. On the unsteady motion of two-dimensional sails. I.M.A. J. Appl. Math. 65, 2000, 147-171. Download On the unsteady motion of two-dimensional sails publication*
43. Chapman, S.J., Fitt, A.D. & Pulos, G.C. Vacuum moulding of a superplastic in two dimensions. I.M.A. J. Appl. Math. 63, 1999, 217-246. Download Vacuum moulding of a superplastic in two dimensions publication*
42. Chapman, S.J., Fitt, A.D. & Pulos, G.C. Vacuum moulding of a superplastic. Aportaciones Matematicas. 23, 1999, 13-48. Download Vacuum moulding of a superplastic publication*
41. Chapman, S.J., Fitt, A.D., Ockendon, H. & Pulos, G.C. Injection moulding of key blanks with zinalco. Aportaciones Matematicas. 23, 1999, 1-11. Download Injection moulding of key blanks with zinalco publication*
40. Buikis, A. & Fitt, A.D. A mathematical model for the heat treatment of glass fabric sheets. I.M.A. J. Math. Buss. Ind. 10, 1999, 55-86. Download A mathematical model for the heat treatment of glass fabric sheets publication*
39. Fitt, A.D. & Howell, P.D.The manufacture of continuous smelting electrodes using carbon paste briquettes. J. Eng. Math. 33, 1998, 353-376. Download The manufacture of continuous smelting electrodes using carbon paste briquettes publication*
38. Lattimer, T.R.B. & Fitt, A.D. Unsteady slot suction from a high Reynolds number cross flow. J. Eng. Math. 33, 1998, 293-310. Download Unsteady slot suction from a high Reynolds number cross flow publication*
37. Fitt, A.D. & Stefanidis, V.Film cooling effectiveness for subsonic injection into a cross flow. Acta mechanica 128, 1998, 233-242. Download Film cooling effectiveness for subsonic injection into a cross flow publication*
36. Buikis, A., Fitt, A.D. & Ulanova, N.A model of oil burnout from glass fabric. In: Progress in Industrial mathematics at ECMI96, Brons, M., Bendsoe, M.P. & Sorensen, M.P. (eds.), B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, 1997, 150-157. Download A model of oil burnout from glass fabric publication*
35. Fitt, A.D. & Lattimer, T.R.B.A high Reynolds number cross flow with injection and suction. Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math. 50, 1997, 47-68. Download A high Reynolds number cross flow with injection and suction publication*
34. Chapman, S.J., Fitt, A.D. & Please, C.P. Extrusion of power-law shear-thinning fluids with small exponent. Int. J. Non-linear Mechanics 32, 1997, 187-199. Download Extrusion of power-law shear-thinning fluids with small exponent publication*
33. Fitt, A.D. & Please, C.P.Crack propagation in a geothermal energy reservoir. ZAMM 76 S4, 1996, 257-260. Download Crack propagation in a geothermal energy reservoir publication*
32. Fitt, A.D. Mixed systems of conservation laws in industrial mathematical modelling. Surv. Math. Ind. 6, 1996, 21-53. Download Mixed systems of conservation laws in industrial mathematical modelling publication*
31. Chapman, S.J., Fitt, A.D., Lobo, R., Peralta, R. & Saavedra, P.Mathematical modelling of a trickle bed bioreactor for the removal of H2S and CS2. Aportaciones Matematicas Comunicaciones 17, 1996, 81-95. Download Mathematical modelling of a trickle bed bioreactor for the removal of H2S and CS2 publication*
30. Fitt, A.D. & Chapman, S.J.Continuum chemical reactions in the oil industry. Aportaciones Matematicas Comunicaciones 17, 1996, 5-10. Download Continuum chemical reactions in the oil industry publication*
29. Small, D.M., Fitt, A.D. & Thew, M.T.The influence of swirl and turbulence anisotropy on CFD modelling for hydrocyclones. Hydrocyclones 96, eds. Claxton, D., Svarovsky, L. & Thew, M.T., Mechanical Engineering Publications, 1996, 49-61. Download The influence of swirl and turbulence anisotropy on CFD modelling for hydrocyclones publication*
28. Fitt, A.D., Kelly, A.D. & Please, C.P.Crack propagation models for rock fracture in a geothermal energy reservoir. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 55, 1995, 1592-1608. Download Crack propagation models for rock fracture in a geothermal energy reservoir publication*
27. Brewster, M.E., Chapman, S.J., Fitt, A.D. & Please, C.P. Asymptotics of slow flow of very small exponent power-law shear-thinning fluids in a wedge. Euro. J. Appl. Math. 6, 1995, 559-571. Download Asymptotics of slow flow of very small exponent power-law shear-thinning fluids in a wedge publication*
26. Fitt, A.D. & Wilmott, P.A composite cavity model for axisymmetric high Reynolds number separated flow II: numerical analysis and results. J. Eng. Math. 29, 1995, 63-75. Download A composite cavity model for axisymmetric high Reynolds number separated flow II: numerical analysis and results publication*
25. Fitt, A.D. & Please, C.P. Mathematical modelling and continuum mechanics in the steel industry. In: Proc. 14th IMACS Conf. on Computational and Applied Mathematics, W.F. Ames (ed.) , Georgia Inst. Tech., 2, 1994, 688-691. Download Mathematical modelling and continuum mechanics in the steel industry publication*
24. Zachariou, E., Fitt, A.D. & Wilmott, P. A cavitating aerofoil with a Prandtl-Batchelor eddy. Aeronautical J. 98, 1994, 171-176. Download A cavitating aerofoil with a Prandtl-Batchelor eddy publication*
23. Fitt, A.D., Wilmott, P. & Dewynne, J.N. An integral equation for the value of a stop-loss option. In: Proc. 7th European Conf. on Mathematics in Industry, A. Fasano & M. Primicerio (eds), Teubner, 1994, 399-405. Download An integral equation for the value of a stop-loss option publication*
22. Fitt, A.D. & Wilmott, P. Slot-film cooling - the effect of separation angle. Acta Mechanica 103, 1994, 79-88. Download Slot-film cooling - the effect of separation angle publication*
21. Fitt, A.D. The character of two-phase gas/particulate flow equations. Applied Math. Modelling 17, 1993, 338-354. Download The character of two-phase gas/particulate flow equations publication*
20. Fitt, A.D. & Hoare, G.T.Q. The closed form integration of arbitrary functions. Math. Gazette 77, 1993, 227-236. Download The closed form integration of arbitrary functions publication*
19. Fitt, A.D. & Aitchison, J.M. Determining the effective viscosity of a carbon paste used for continuous electrode smelting. Fluid Dynamics Research 11, 1992, 37-59. Download Determining the effective viscosity of a carbon paste used for continuous electrode smelting publication*
18. Wilmott, P. & Fitt, A.D. A composite cavity model for axisymmetric high Reynolds number separated flow I: modelling and analysis. J. Eng. Math. 26, 1992, 539-555. Download A composite cavity model for axisymmetric high Reynolds number separated flow I: modelling and analysis publication*
17. Fitt, A.D. Hyperbolicity maps for two-phase flow problems. In: Proc. 6th European Conf. on Mathematics in Industry, F Hodnett (ed), Teubner, 1992, 145-148. Download Hyperbolicity maps for two-phase flow problems publication*
16. Fitt, A.D. & Wilmott, P. Cellular-automaton model for segregation of a two-species granular flow. Phys. Rev. A 45, 1992, 2383-2388. Download Cellular-automaton model for segregation of a two-species granular flow publication*
15. Fitt, A.D. Two-phase flow methodology and modelling. In: Proc. Fourth European Conference on Mathematics in Industry, Hj. Wacker and W. Zulehner (eds), Teubner and Kluwer, Netherlands, 1991, 277-281. Download Two-phase flow methodology and modelling publication*
14. Fitt, A.D., Lacey, A.A. & Wilmott, P. On the optimum hand speed for two-blade razor shaving. I.M.A. J. Teaching Math. Appl. 10, 1991, 122-126. Download On the optimum hand speed for two-blade razor shaving publication*
13. Fitt, A.D. A slow flow problem arising in continuous electrode smelting. In: Proc. Fifth European Conference on Mathematics in Industry, M. Heilio (ed), Teubner, Stuttgart, 1991, 223-228. Download A slow flow problem arising in continuous electrode smelting publication*
12. Fitt, A.D. Mixed hyperbolic-elliptic systems in industrial problems. In: Proc. Third European Conference on Mathematics in Industry, J. Manley et al (eds). Kluwer and Teubner, Stuttgart, 1990, 205-214. Download Mixed hyperbolic-elliptic systems in industrial problems publication*
11. O'Malley, K., Fitt, A.D., Jones, T.V., Ockendon, J.R. & Wilmott, P. Models for high-Reynolds number flow down a step. J. Fluid Mech. 222, 1991, 139-155. Download Models for high-Reynolds number flow down a step publication*
10. Fitt, A.D. Symbolic algebra systems in teaching and research. In: Scientific Software Systems, Chapman & Hall, 1990, 141-152. Download Symbolic algebra systems in teaching and research publication*
9. Fitt, A.D. The numerical and analytical solution of ill-posed systems of conservation laws. Applied Math. Modelling 13, 1989, 618-631. Download The numerical and analytical solution of ill-posed systems of conservation laws publication*
8. Fitt, A.D., Crowley, A.B., Aston, J.A.G. & Toro, E.F. Contrasting numerical methods for two-dimensional two-phase internal ballistics test problems. In: Proc. 11th International Symposium on Ballistics, Brussels, 1989, 337-346. Download Contrasting numerical methods for two-dimensional two-phase internal ballistics test problems publication*
7. Fitt, A.D. & Wilmott, P. The stretching of a slender, axisymmetric viscous inclusion. Part II: numerical solution and results. SIAM J. Appl. Maths 41, 1989, 1617-1634. Download The stretching of a slender, axisymmetric viscous inclusion. Part II: numerical solution and results publication*
6. Fitt, A.D. Symbolic computation of hyperbolicity regions for systems of two-phase flow conservation laws using MAPLE. J. Symb. Comp. 8, 1989, 305-308. Download Symbolic computation of hyperbolicity regions for systems of two-phase flow conservation laws using MAPLE publication*
5. Fitt, A.D. What they don't teach you about integration at school. Math. Gazette 72, 1988, 11-16. Download What they don't teach you about integration at school publication*
4. Parker, D.F. & Fitt, A.D. Non-diffusive models for pressure - swing adsorption. I.M.A. J. Appl. Maths 41, 1988, 165-192. Download Non-diffusive models for pressure - swing adsorption publication*
3. Crowley, A.B. & Fitt. A.D. Accurate flame spread modelling for granular and stick propellants. In: Proc. 9th Int. Ballistics Symposium I, RMCS Shrivenham, 1986, 73-81. Download Accurate flame spread modelling for granular and stick propellants publication*
2. Fitt, A.D., Forth, C.P.J., Robertson, B.A. & Jones, T.V. Temperature ratio effects in compressible turbulent boundary layers. Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 29, 1986, 159-164. Download Temperature ratio effects in compressible turbulent boundary layers publication*
1. Fitt, A.D., Ockendon, J.R. & Jones, T.V. Aerodynamics of slot-film cooling: theory and experiment. J. Fluid Mech. 160, 1985, 15-27. Download Aerodynamics of slot-film cooling: theory and experiment publication*
Many of these are (or at least used to be) classified: If you're interested please email me and I'll do my best to get hold of them for you.
Fitt, A.D. & Toro, E.F. Numerical simulation of early phase propellant burning. In: Proc. 2nd Anglo-German Meeting, RARDE, Fort Halstead, 1985, 23-36.*
Fitt, A.D. The classification and mathematical structure of two-phase flow equations for gas/particulate mixtures. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/1/86, 1986.*
Fitt, A.D. The modelling of interphase momentum and heat transfer for stick and granular propellants. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/2/86, 1986.*
Fitt, A.D. A Model for the determination of in-bore resistance forces in a rifled barrel. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/3/86, 1986.*
Fitt, A.D. The modelling of heat losses in quasi one-dimensional two phase interior ballistic flows. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/4/86, 1986.*
Fitt, A.D. Equations, boundary conditions and characteristic analysis for the calculation of two-phase interior ballistic flows. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/5/86, 1986.*
Fitt, A.D. & Toro, E.F. The application of contrasting numerical methods to model combustion problems. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/6/86, 1986.*
Fitt, A.D. Numerical solution of a certain class of non-linear singular integro-differential equations. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/7/86, 1986.*
Fitt, A.D. Experimental validation of two-phase interior ballistics codes. In: Proc. 4th Anglo-German Meeting, RARDE Fort Halstead, 1987, 113-134.*
Fitt, A.D. A rigorous derivation of a set of two-dimensional equations for gas-particulate flow in a channel. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/1/87, 1987.*
Fitt, A.D. A note on the numerical solution of a finite-range singular integro-differential equation. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/2/87, 1987.*
Fitt, A.D. The determination of inbore interior ballistics flow fields after shot exit. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/3/88, 1988.*
Fitt, A.D. & Crowley, A.B. Mathematical modelling of MHD power generation. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/4/88, 1988.*
Fitt, A.D. The numerical solution of a coupled partial differential equation and integro-differential equation arising in the flow of a viscous inclusion in a viscous fluid. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/5/88, 1988.*
Fitt, A.D. Some aspects of internal ballistics theory. Proc. 5th Anglo-German Meeting, Unterluss, W. Germany., 1988.*
Fitt, A.D. Mathematical and numerical aspects of evolution equations of mixed type. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/6/88, 1988.*
Fitt, A.D. Mixed hyperbolic-elliptic systems in industrial problems. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. MB/7/88, 1988.*
Fitt, A.D. Mathematical models for a thrust bearing. CIT Mathematics and Ballistics Group Rept, RMCS Shrivenham, Swindon, Wilts, Rept No. ACM/89/02, 1989.*
Fitt, A.D. Graduate students experience industrial math at Claremont. SIAM News 26 no. 7 47-48.*