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Environmental Sustainability Team

The Environmental Sustainability Team is responsible for the day-to-day running of environmental sustainability at Oxford Brookes University. We are part of the Estates and Campus Services Directorate.

Contact us

For general sustainability-related enquiries:

Professor Joe Tah

Professor Joe Tah

Pro Vice-Chancellor and Dean of Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment

Joe Tah is the cross-university lead for Sustainability and Major Projects within the Vice-Chancellor’s Group.

As part of his duties, Joe is the Chairperson for the Universities Sustainability Steering Group (SSG) who have delegated authority to ensure the University’s sustainability ambitions are achieved in line with the 2035 University Strategy. The group's main purpose is to oversee and provide directional guidance on our sustainability aspirations and implementation, alignment with appropriate sustainability frameworks and to agree priority areas, resource and ownership.

Michele Morley

Head of Environmental Sustainability

Michele heads up the team and leads on the strategic direction and long term planning of our environmental sustainability strategy. Enabling the university to deliver our environmental sustainability aspirations, compliance obligations, policies and strategies, in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and our accredited ISO14001 Environmental Management System .

Gavin Hodgson

Decarbonisation Strategic Lead

Gavin develops and leads on the university's zero carbon strategy and action plan. A key part of his role is providing direction, advice and developing projects collaboratively with peers and senior directors to deliver organisational change and help realise the zero carbon ambitions of the university.

 Edward Boyle

Edward Boyle

Energy and BMS Controls Specialist

Edward supports the delivery of the University's zero carbon strategy by ensuring that buildings and their building services are operated in an efficient manner. Optimising the Building Management System to achieve a delicate balance between thermal comfort and energy consumption is a key part of his role.

 Paul Spencer

Paul Spencer

Carbon Reduction Manager

Paul has a key role in driving the University’s response to the Climate Emergency supporting the delivery of the University’s Net Zero ambitions, investigating, making recommendations and putting forward necessary changes to improve and maintain the energy/carbon performance of the University buildings and other carbon emissions sources. This includes strategic support, management and delivery of energy efficiency and carbon reduction related projects as well as energy utilities procurement and purchasing of green gas/power.

 Marianne Hansen

Marianne Hansen

Transport Lead

Marianne is responsible for the delivery and promotion of our sustainable transport strategy and associated action plans, and to lead in growing a culture of sustainable and active travel to enhance student and staff experience, where everyone is actively involved in reducing their transport emissions.

 Laura Hu

Laura Hu

Sustainability Engagement Officer

Laura supports the Head of Environmental Sustainability in delivering effective behaviour change sustainability engagement programs in support of the Sustainability Engagement Strategy and action plan. She works proactively with students, staff and external organisations to deliver effective change and reach sustainability objectives.

Currently vacant role: Environmental Compliance Officer

Environmental Compliance Officer is responsible for developing and managing a range of Sustainability compliance strategies and support services to deliver the aspirations of the University’s 2035 strategy.

Procurement Team

Sonia Soni

Senior Category Analyst

Sonia leads the University's Sustainable and Ethical Procurement Strategy, ensuring that the University's procurement decisions have positive environmental, social and economic impacts over the whole life cycle of a contract.

+44 (0) 1865 483986

Communications Team

Andrea Siret

Head of Community Engagement

Andrea oversees the Community Engagement Team, developing and implementing an institutional strategy to advance the profile and reputation of Oxford Brookes University. She executes institutional-wide community engagement initiatives and campaigns designed to meet the needs of the University, the local community and relevant organisations.

Brookes Union

Brookes Union has a dedicated Environmental Officer who leads the Union’s student-led environmental team. The Union currently holds a Bronze NUS Green Impact Award.

Environmental Information Exchange (EiE)

Michael Esvelt

Operations Director

The EiE is a not-for-profit organisation which provides UK organisations with support to reduce their energy, water and waste. The EiE webpages include practical information, actions, and support to help organisations understand and implement efficiency actions.

Oxford Institute for Sustainable Development (OISD)

Founded in 2004, OISD is one of the UK's largest research institutes dedicated to sustainable development research in the built and natural environments. The institute consists of eight distinct research groups. Using a multi- and inter-disciplinary approach, it addresses the many dimensions of sustainable development and the synergies and processes that link them. OISD contributes to major Research Council programmes through various research grants. These include Living with Environmental Change, Energy research, Sustainable Urban Environments and Lifelong Health and Wellbeing.