
How do I apply to university?

This is your definitive guide to the process and stages of applying to university.

Find full-time or part-time undergraduate courses

  1. Researching your options
  2. Applying to university
  3. Making your final choices
  4. Getting yourself to Oxford

1. Researching your options

It is important to do plenty of research when looking at university. Look into the courses that interest you the most and what those courses could lead onto. You should also look into the costs associated with university and the funding sources available to you.

Not sure where to start? Try taking a look through the Career Pilot website to help you plan your future. You can also request a prospectus and browse courses online.

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Two students consulting books and tablets

2. Open Days

Our Open Days are a chance for students to find out more about university life first-hand. They provide the ideal opportunity to explore our campuses and learn more about the subjects we offer. Visitors can also learn more about Brookes Sport, our study abroad options and there are practical talks on admissions, accommodation and finance.

Visitors are advised to check our Open Day hub to see the latest event updates.

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3. The application process

Applying for university can be done in a variety of ways. UK students typically apply through UCAS, whereas international students can apply via UCAS or directly through our website. 

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4. Preparing your application

A good personal statement is an important part of the application process. We’re interested in you as an individual, so tell us about yourself and what interests you!

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5. English language requirements

If your main language is not English, you will need to show us that your English is at the right level to enable you to study here successfully. The majority of undergraduate courses require IELTS 6.0, with 6.0 in reading and writing, 5.5 in speaking and listening.

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Group of students in the main courtyard at Oxford Brookes

6. Submitting your application

Two students sitting in a corridor

Once you have decided which course you want to study, have your personal statement and any other supporting documents, you are ready to submit your application. This is normally done through UCAS or by applying direct.

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7. Applicant and interview days

Applicant and interview days are special days for applicants where you can find out more about your chosen course and explore the university and city where you could end up living!

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Applicants on a campus tour

8. Student finance

Don’t let the cost of university put you off. UK students are eligible for maintenance and tuition fee loans. There is also financial support available for EU and international students. International students will need to pay a deposit to confirm their place.

We recommend that you apply for student finance as soon as you’ve submitted your application.

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9. Accommodation

Once you’ve been made an offer we’ll contact you about accommodation options. You can choose to live in university halls, rent off a private landlord or live at home.

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10. Results and confirmation

Group of students sat on the grass in the main courtyard chatting

Once you have received your results you will receive an update from us letting you know if you have met the terms of the offer and what happens next.

If you are an international student, there are some additional steps you need to to take to confirm your place.

11. Visas

If you’re an international student you may need to apply for a visa to study over here. We will send you guidance on this once your offer is confirmed.

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Group of students laughing and joking on campus

12. Come to Oxford!

Group of students sat on grass studying at Oxford Brookes University

The final step is enrolment and moving in. There will be lots of activities running during Welcome Weekend and Induction Week to help you settle in and make new friends. The Student Induction Team is available now to answer any questions you have about coming to Oxford Brookes. They will be on campus ready to meet you during the induction period.

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