LGBTQ+ and gender identity

We want to ensure that we provide the best support for all our students but recognise LGBTQ+ students may face different challenges at university. 

We have a vibrant LGBTQ+ student community and you can contact EDI Advice to find out how we can support you at Brookes.

Contact us

EDI Advice (Students)

Stonewall Diversity Champion

Brookes is a Stonewall Diversity Champion, and many members of staff wear rainbow lanyards as a show of support for the LGBTQ+ community. Anyone wearing a lanyard agrees to:

  • promote LGBTQ+ inclusion
  • signpost to services
  • never be a bystander to harassment, bullying, or negative language
  • support all LGBTQ+ students and staff to be themselves.

Some Brookes staff have LGBTQ+ profiles of themselves to tell you about about being out at Brookes. PhD students may join the LGBTQ+ Staff Forum.

Stonewall Diversity Champion logo

Gender reassignment

We want to show we support our students in their choice of gender identity and have supported a number of students who have transitioned and know how difficult it can be, especially with all the other demands of student life.

If you are a new student starting university in September, you can contact EDI Advice to discuss the support we can offer and what help you might need to make an action plan, including things like:

  • how information will be managed and by whom
  • whether you wish to inform relevant people or if you would prefer this to be done for you
  • the start date of using any new name / living full-time in a new role
  • the process for changing records and other documentation
  • any time off that may be required.

You will always be consulted about what you’d like people to be told and the language you’d like used, and only those who need to know about the transition will be informed, with clear information given about confidentiality.

Use of facilities

You can access facilities which match the gender in which you present. If you are transgender, you can access ‘men-only’ and ‘women-only’ areas – such as changing rooms and toilets – as you feel appropriate. This may mean that you change the facilities you use at the point when you start to live in your affirmed gender.

The University also recognises the many non-binary and gender-fluid identities that exist, including trans non-binary identities, and there are plans to increase the number of gender-neutral toilets available across our campuses.

If you are experiencing any kind of emotional distress, please do not hesitate to get in touch we will listen, without judgement, and offer support in a safe, confidential space.