Your appeal can be:
- Justified
- Partly Justified
- Not Justified.
The investigator will explain the reasons for their decision in the outcome letter.
If your appeal is Justified or Partly Justified, this means that the investigator identified that the University has made an error or omission, or that exceptional circumstances impacted your original submission. If appropriate, the outcome letter will explain what will be done to put this right. We normally try to put the student back in the position that they would have been in if the problem had not occurred.
Possible solutions include:
- correcting an administrative mistake which has been made
- providing an uncapped further opportunity to take the assessment (please note that if you eventually retake the module, you may have to pay for this). You can find more information on the resits and retakes page.
- arranging for an alternative marker, e.g. if bias was demonstrated
- issuing an apology.
However, please note that the University has a responsibility to maintain academic quality standards. Marks and pass grades cannot be awarded unless it has been demonstrated that you have met the required academic standard. Therefore, you would not be given extra marks on the basis of speculation that you would have done better if circumstances had been different.
The only way that extra marks would be awarded is if there was evidence that you had actually achieved them. For example, if it was discovered that the mark for one of your pieces if coursework had accidentally not been included when your overall result was calculated.
Please be aware, if an academic appeal results in another opportunity to take an assessment again, you may achieve a lower grade in the resit.
Please note that for Semester 2 assignments, it might not be possible to award an uncapped resit for a justified appeal. Therefore you are likely to be limited to a Disregard. This may have an impact on your progression, so please consider carefully if you wish to make an academic appeal.
While you are waiting for an outcome
Please continue as your grade/situation currently stands, i.e. do not assume your academic appeal will be successful. Therefore, if you are eligible for resits, we advise that you take them if you can. If you have been withdrawn from the University, we advise that you explore other options. If your appeal is later unsuccessful it means you will have not wasted opportunities.