Student conduct

As an educational institution, Oxford Brookes University is both a community in its own right and a part of the local community. 

All students are expected and required to behave in a way that respects the values of the University, the staff and students of the University, and the local community. Experience shows that the vast majority of students will do so as a matter of course.

The University may take action under its Student Conduct Procedures if it receives substantiated information about student misconduct from members of the public, local residents, the local authority, the media, the police or others. 

The University's action and any outcome, including any penalty imposed, under the Student Conduct Procedures will be separate from and in addition to any action or outcome applied by the police or local authority or others.

Group of students talking

Standards of behaviour

The rules setting out the standards of behaviour expected of students and the procedure that will be invoked if they do not meet those standards are contained in the:

All students are bound by the provisions of these regulations. Although the University will use reasonable endeavours to inform students about these regulations when they apply, at enrolment and when any changes are made, it is the responsibility of all students to ensure that they are familiar with the current version of these regulations at all times. Ignorance of their content will not be accepted as a defence or as mitigation in any proceedings brought under these regulations.

These regulations are intended to set and maintain acceptable standards of behaviour by student members of the University community. In particular, they are intended to:

  • encourage individuals to accept their obligations to both the University community and the wider community
  • maintain an environment which enables and encourages participation in the educational activities of the University
  • ensure the security of the University's and other people's and organisations' property
  • enable the University to meet its statutory, legal and contractual obligations
  • help maintain the University's good name and standing.

Please note, the University uses the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition as a frame of reference for considering reports of potential cases of antisemitism. You can find a copy of the current IHRA definition on their website.

Help and advice

If you believe a student has breached the Student Conduct Regulations, it would be helpful to speak to one of the following teams about your options:

If you need to report it to the University, please complete a Student Conduct Report Form.

Students needing further advice should refer to the list of useful contacts.

Staff should contact the Student Investigation and Resolution Team for guidance relating to student conduct.