EXPLORE Accredited Taught Scheme

About the EXPLORE Accredited Taught Scheme

The EXPLORE Accredited Taught Scheme (also referred to as the EXPLORE Taught Scheme) introduces you to research-informed principles and practices in teaching and supporting learning in HE. It provides a structured scheme that lays the groundwork for sound academic practice, fosters active peer learning and shared experiences, and offers numerous opportunities for feedback through discussions, tutorials, and a review of academic practice. 

Advance HE accredits this Scheme to award Fellowship that recognise teaching and/or supporting higher education learning across two categories:

Fellowship is awarded based on evidence of your professional practice meeting the requirements of the Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in HE 2023 (PSF 2023)

Within the EXPLORE Accredited Taught Scheme, there are two pathways, one for academic and one for teaching-only staff. Both pathways work towards demonstrating Associate Fellow, or Fellow through an E-Portfolio in Year 1. Generally, working towards Fellow would be appropriate if you are responsible for designing and planning learning, teaching, assessing, and evaluating sessions/modules/or programmes. If you are responsible for teaching sessions designed by another, an Associate Fellowship would be more suitable. Upon successfully completion of Year 1 of the EXPLORE Accredited Taught Scheme and gaining recognition as Associate Fellow or Fellow, you will join the EXPLORE Non-accredited Taught Scheme for Years 2 and 3. 

Who is the EXPLORE Accredited Taught Scheme for?

Colleagues with teaching, learning and assessment responsibilities who do not already hold Advance HE Associate Fellow (Descriptor 1 - D1) or Fellow (Descriptor 2 - D2) are suitable candidates for this Scheme.

All participants are either new academic or teaching-only Oxford Brookes staff on substantive employment contracts or self-selected existing staff members who wish to gain Fellowship recognition for their teaching and/or support of learning through a structured, accredited taught scheme. 

Workload planning

All academic staff (0.5 FTE or above) new to Oxford Brookes are allocated 240 hours to complete  EXPLORE, split between 100 hours in the first and second years and 40 hours for year three (see Workload Planning Tariffs).

Colleagues on fractional contracts can join EXPLORE Accredited Taught Scheme but must ensure that their line managers are aware and negotiate a pro-rata workload allowance.


3 years

  • Year 1: EXPLORE Accredited Taught Scheme, where participants work toward Associate Fellow (D1) or Fellow (D2) of Advance HE.  
  • Years 2 - 3: EXPLORE Non-accredited Taught Scheme, where participants engage in scholarly and professional development activity.

Mode of delivery

  • Blended delivery, including synchronous face-to-face sessions on campus; synchronous online sessions; asynchronous digital learning activities, independent study; academic advising group and 1-2-1 tutorials.

  • Synchronous online and face-to-face on Headington Campus sessions (from Semester 2, due to spacing restrictions). Wherever possible, Core Teaching sessions will usually be held on Wednesday afternoons and repeated on Friday mornings during semester time.

This blended approach ensures we meet the requirements of our participants working in a hybrid context and at a multi-campus institution.

How to join

New staff

EXPLORE is an essential part of your continued academic and professional development. We receive notification of all new staff on substantive academic or teaching only or fellow contracts from the People Directorate and, from July onwards, send out an email invitation with a link to book an EXPLORE induction. 

New starters after 1 October can join our EXPLORE Open Offer of workshops and ‘log’ some of the core sessions to start the EXPLORE Accredited Taught Scheme in 2025/26.

Incumbent staff

If you are an incumbent member of staff (a member of staff for whom ‘The First Three Years’ does not apply) who wishes to gain a Fellowship, please see the EXPLORE Accredited Experiential Scheme 



  • 1 October 2024

Completed E-Portfolio

  • 28 June 2025
  • 14 January 2026 (for staff on a fractional contract only).

Contact us

If you have any questions or require more information, please contact explore@brookes.ac.uk.

Webpage updated on 6 September 2024.