1. Do people know what is happening in the team and wider organisation?
Team/Departmental level
- Ensure that there is regular communication within the team/department/Faculty e.g. team meetings, use of Google Chat etc so that people know what is happening and why.
- Use 1:1 meetings to check individual understanding and provide an opportunity to ask any questions.
- Require any managers who report to you to cascade communications onward to their teams.
University level
- Encourage people to interact with University Communications e.g. Staff Update emails, Communications hub and events e.g. Talk to VCG.
- Cascade information received from management briefings e.g. Heads of Department meetings
Helpful resources:
Communication hub including ‘Strategy matters’ and VCG webinars
2. Are staff able to do the job?
Training and development
- Ensure that individuals are trained so they are able to do their jobs, including periodic refresher training on key areas.
- Give new staff a proper induction into the team and the organisation.
- Use 1:1s to ensure individuals can identify development/training needs or opportunities and make sure these are recorded in personal development/training plans and regularly reviewed
- Take into account that people’s skills and the way they approach the work will differ and tailor accordingly.
Equipment, tools or resources
- Ensure individuals know how to access the information and resources required to do their role.
- Check if people feel they have the equipment, tools or resources required to do their jobs effectively.
Helpful resources:
Staff Learning Portal
New starters ‘enabled’ page (includes links to IT, finance and procurement, facilities and more)