How do I access my payslip and P60?
You will need to log onto the People XD Staff Portal which you can access via the internet. Input your username and password and you will be able to view your payslips and P60s on the Payments Tab on the left hand side. To print the P60 click on the P60 itself and then click on the Generate P60 button, it will open a new screen and you will be able to print the P60 from the new screen.
I don’t use a computer at work, so how will I access my payslip?
The new People XD Staff Portal can be accessed from any computer linked to the internet anywhere in the world. This means you will be able to access the People XD Staff Portal from any Pooled Computer Room on any campus, from the computers located in our corridors, from your home computer, from an internet cafe, from your smart phone or tablet. Please ensure you log out of the People XD Staff Portal when you have finished and that your screen is not viewable by others as it is your personal information that you will be looking at.
I don’t have a username and password for the People XD Staff Portal. Where do I get one?
To log into the People XD Staff Portal, you will use your normal Brookes username and password that you use to access your work emails, for example. If you haven’t a username and password because you don’t normally use computers at work, then please go to the IT Service Desk on your Campus or the Library on your Campus and show them your staff card and and they will be able to issue you with a password.
I am a line manager, what do I need to do to support new staff joining Oxford Brookes with regard to the People XD Staff Portal?
You must ensure that all your staff have a username and password to access the People XD Staff Portal which can be obtained from the IT Service Desk or the Library. You need to ensure your staff know where there are computers available for them to log onto in order to use the new People XD Staff Portal if they don't use a computer for their role.
How can I learn how to use the People XD Staff Portal?
How do I know that the information on the People Information and Payroll System is correct?
When you log onto the People XD Staff Portal you will be able to see all the information on the People record and will be able to update anything that is out of date, or contact your People Directorate Link Team.
How do I book different types of leave?
Guides on how to submit Leave Requests can be found here
Can administrators in the Faculties/ Directorates input sickness information into the CoreHR system?
No they cannot, although Line Managers will soon be able to enter sickness absences for their team members. This will become available soon. Please continue to check the Line Manager Absence Management Guides for availability of this feature.
How long are payslips stored on the People Information and Payroll System?
The People XD Staff Portal will hold this information for as long a you are employed by the University.
Can online payslips be printed off and accepted outside the University?
Yes, HMRC will accept payslips and P60s in this format.
Does People XD hold National Insurance numbers?
People XD does hold National Insurance numbers. The University must have a National Insurance number for you to ensure the appropriate deductions from your pay are recorded to ensure your entitlement towards state benefits are correctly assessed. If you do not have a national insurance number, you will need to apply for a national insurance number.
When I look for job vacancies on the OBU webpage, I only see the externally advertised post. How do I see the internally advertised posts too?
To see internally advertised posts please:
- Log into your People XD Staff Portal.
- Click on the My Recruit Tab on the Employee Dashboard.
This will show you the recently advertised posts but to see all posts, click on the Advanced button. This will enable you to see all externally advertised posts, and the internally advertised posts which are not being advertised to anybody who is not an employee of Oxford Brookes University.