Applied Software Engineering and Data Analytics Group (ASEDA)

About us

The Applied Software Engineering and Data Analytics Research Group takes an empirical and experimental approach to software engineering, studying software systems in order to characterise and improve them. The Group provides a forum for researchers to exchange and discuss the latest innovative Software Engineering (SE) techniques and practices. We are also interested in AI solutions to SE problems and vice versa.

Our data analytics work focuses on data collection, analysis, summarisation and classification. For much of this research we depend on our knowledge of machine learning and big data.

The Group also works on cloud computing, big data, web technologies and network softwarisation. More specifically, the work focuses on: cloud services selection; big data management in NoSQL and the cloud; network softwarisation in cloud and IoT environments, web services and service-oriented computing.

In addition, the Group’s research involves aspects of eHealth using artificial intelligence, with a strong focus on usability and data visualisation. There is particular interest in technology for people living with diabetes.

Researcher collaborating on the Pepper project

Research impact

Graphical representation of Big Data components

The research of the Applied Software Engineering and Data Analytics Group involves a diverse collection of international stakeholders, in alignment with the faculty’s impact policy for computing that prioritises world-leading research with global impact. Some of the particular areas of impact are as follows:

  • Related industries: We work to strengthen the competitiveness and growth of companies by establishing collaborations with mutual benefit to solve problems affect society more broadly.
  • Healthcare: Our work has shown significant benefit to large cohorts of patients across the globe by improving the use of adaptive techniques and facilitating patient engagement in healthcare. The need for digital tools to manage healthcare has become even more evident during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • Community: We regularly engage with the general public, through newsletters, press releases, videos and social media, which have garnered considerable interest.
  • Global research community: Our prize-winning research and our knowledge exchange events attract interest from a broad selection of disciplines interested in technological solutions to everyday problems.
  • Pedagogy: Our research is embedded into the curriculum to promote student engagement with nationally recognised results.


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Software Quality Journal

The Software Quality Journal addresses all aspects of software quality from both a practical and an academic viewpoint. It invites contributions from practitioners and academics, as well as national and international policy and standard making bodies, and sets out to be the definitive international reference source for such information. 

Prof. Rachel Harrison serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.