Professor Rachel Harrison
Professor in Computer Science
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
Rachel Harrison is professor of computer science at Oxford Brookes University, UK.
Her research interests include software metrics, machine learning, and requirements engineering. Rachel is well known for her work on empirical and automated software engineering. She has over 160 publications (with over 4,400 citations on Google Scholar) and has consulted widely with industry, working with organizations such as IBM, Philips Research Labs, Praxis Critical Systems and The Open Group.
Rachel has served on over 50 international program committees, including ICSE, Promise, ESEM and EASE, and was founder and PC Chair or Co-Chair of both the RAISE workshops at IEEE ICSE and the AIRE workshops at IEEE RE. She is a member of the BCS, IEEE and ACM and is Editor-in-Chief of the Software Quality Journal, published by Springer.
Teaching and supervision
- Artificial Intelligence (BSc (Hons), MSci)
- Advanced Computer Science (MSc, PGDip, PGCert)
- Artificial Intelligence (MSc, PGDip, PGCert)
- Computer Science (BSc (Hons))
Modules taught
Rached is Module Leader for :
- Essential Maths for University study
- Study Skills
- Advanced Software Development
Rachel is Director of DSERC (the Dependable System Engineering Centre), and was recently the Program Chair of AIRE, the Annual IEEE Workshop on AI and requirements engineering.
Centres and institutes
- AI apps for the mining of big data (AIMi)
- Automated review classification (ReClass)
- Multi-Criteria Decision Support using AI (MuD)
- Software Quality Improvement (SEQUIN)
- Spectra-based fault localisation (Spectra)
Journal articles
Eberlein J, Rodriguez D, Harrison R, The Effect of Data Complexity on Classifier Performance
Empirical Software Engineering 30 (2025) ISSN: 1382-3256 eISSN: 1573-7616 The Effect of Data Complexity on Classifier Performance Open Access version on RADAR -
Kounidas G, Cleer I, Harriss E, Harrison R, Matin RN, Usability evaluation and reporting for mobile health apps targeting patients with skin diseases: a systematic review
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology [Online first] (2024) ISSN: 1365-2230 Usability evaluation and reporting for mobile health apps targeting patients with skin diseases: a systematic review Open Access version on RADAR -
de Jesus Ferreira W, Leitao-Junior PS, Machado de Freita D, Silva-Junior D, Harrison R, Uniqueness of suspiciousness scores: towards boostingevolutionary fault localization
Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development [In Press] (2024) pp.1-11 ISSN: 2195-1721 eISSN: 2195-1721 -
Bencomo N, Guo JC, Harrison R, Heyn HM, Menzies T, The Secret to Better AI and Better Software (is Requirements Engineering)
IEEE Software 39 (1) (2021) pp.105-110 ISSN: 0740-7459 eISSN: 1937-4194 -
Leitão-Júnior PS, de Freitas DM, Vergilio SR, Camilo-Junior CG, Harrison R, Search-based Fault Localisation: A Systematic Mapping Study
Information and Software Technology 123 (2020) ISSN: 0950-5849 Search-based Fault Localisation: A Systematic Mapping Study Open Access version on RADAR -
Martin C, Aldea A, Duce D, Harrison R, Alshaigy B, The Role of Usability Engineering in the Development of an Intelligent Decision Support System
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11326 (2019) pp.142-161 ISSN: 0302-9743 eISSN: 0302-9743 ISBN: 9783030127381 The Role of Usability Engineering in the Development of an Intelligent Decision Support System Open Access version on RADAR -
Brown D, Aldea A, Harrison R, Martin C, Bayley I, Temporal case-based reasoning for type 1 diabetes mellitus bolus insulin decision support
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 85 (April 2018) (2018) pp.28-42 ISSN: 0933-3657 eISSN: 1873-2860 Temporal case-based reasoning for type 1 diabetes mellitus bolus insulin decision support Open Access version on RADAR -
Waite MA, Martin CE, Franklin R, Duce D, Harrison R, Human factors and data logging processes with the use of advanced technology for adults with type 1 diabetes (T1DM): A systematic integrative review
Journal of Medical Internet Research 5 (1) (2017) ISSN: 1439-4456 eISSN: 1438-8871 Human factors and data logging processes with the use of advanced technology for adults with type 1 diabetes (T1DM): A systematic integrative review Open Access version on RADAR -
Hernández-González J, Rodriguez D, Inza I, Harrison R, Lozano JA, Learning to classify software defects from crowds: A novel approach
Applied Soft Computing 62 (January 2018) (2017) pp.579-591 ISSN: 1568-4946 Learning to classify software defects from crowds: A novel approach Open Access version on RADAR -
Harrison R, In this issue
Software Quality Journal 24 (4) (2016) pp.877-878 ISSN: 0963-9314 eISSN: 1573-1367 -
Harrison R, Rodriguez D, Ruiz R, Riquelme JC, A study of subgroup discovery approaches for defect prediction
Information and Software Technology 55 (10) (2013) pp.1810-1822 ISSN: 0950-5849 -
Harrison R, Duce D, Usability of mobile applications: literature review and rationale for a new usability model
Journal of Interaction Science 1 (1) (2013) pp.2-16 ISSN: 2194-0827 -
Harrison R, Empirical findings on team size and productivity in software development
Journal of Systems and Software 85 (3) (2012) pp.562-570 ISSN: 0164-1212 -
Flood D, Harrison R, Iacob C, Duce D, Evaluating Mobile Applications: a spreadsheet case study
International Journal of Mobile Human Computer Interaction 4 (4) (2012) pp.37-65 ISSN: 1942-390X -
Boness K, Finkelstein A, Harrison R, A method for assessing confidence in requirements analysis
Information and Software Technology 53 (10) (2011) pp.1084-1096 ISSN: 0950-5849 -
Harrison R, In This Issue
Software Quality Journal 19 (2011) pp.487-488 ISSN: 0963-9314 eISSN: 1573-1367 -
Boness K, Harrison R, Goal sketching from a concise business case
International Journal on Advances in Software 3 (1-2) (2010) pp.90-99 ISSN: 1942-2628 -
Boness K, Harrison R, Liu K, Goal sketching: an agile approach to clarifying requirements
International Journal on Advances in Software 1 (1) (2009) pp.1-13 ISSN: 1942-2628 -
Boness K, Finkelstein A, Harrison R, A lightweight technique for assessing risks in requirements analysis
IET Software 2 (1) (2008) pp.46-57 ISSN: 1751-8806 -
Bartsch M, Harrison R, An exploratory study of the effect of aspect-oriented programming on maintainability
Software Quality Journal 16 (1) (2008) pp.23-44 ISSN: 0963-9314
Book chapters
Harrison R, Veerappa V, Social Media Collaboration in Software Projects
in Ruhe G, Wohlin C (ed.), Software Project Management in a Changing World, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (2014) ISBN: 978-3-642-55034-8 eISBN: 978-3-642-55035-5 Social Media Collaboration in Software Projects Open Access version on RADAR -
Martin C, Flood D, Harrison R, A protocol for evaluating mobile applications
in Information systems research and exploring social artifacts: approaches and methodologies, IGI Global (2013) eISBN: 1.466624914E9 -
Rodriguez D, Ruiz R, Riquelme JC, Harrison R, Subgroup discovery for defect prediction
in Search based software engineering, Springer (2011) ISBN: 9783642237157
Conference papers
Duce, D. and Martin, C. and Russell, a. and Brown D. and Aldea, A. and Alshaigy, B. and Harrison, R. and Waite, M. and Leal, Y. and Wos, M.and Fernandez-Balsells, M. and Real, J. and Nita, L. and López, B. and Massana, J. and Avari, P. and Herrero, P. and Jugnee, N. and Oliver, N. and Reddy, M., Visualizing Usage Data from a Diabetes Management System
(2020) ISBN: 9783038681229 Visualizing Usage Data from a Diabetes Management System Open Access version on RADAR -
Zhu H, Liu D, Bayley I, Harrison R, Cuzzolin F, Datamorphic Testing: A Method for Testing Intelligent Applications
(2019) pp.149-156 ISBN: 9781728104935 eISBN: 9781728104928 Datamorphic Testing: A Method for Testing Intelligent Applications Open Access version on RADAR -
de-Freitas D, Leitao-Junior P, Camilo-Junior C, Harrison R, Mutation-based Evolutionary Fault Localisation
(2018) pp.2291-2298 ISBN: 9781509060177 Mutation-based Evolutionary Fault Localisation Open Access version on RADAR -
Martin C, Aldea A, Duce D, Harrison R, Waite M, The Role of Usability Engineering in the Development of an Intelligent Decision Support System
(2018) -
de-Freitas DM, Leitao-Junior PS, Camilo-Junior CG, Harrison R, Evolutionary Composition of Customised Fault Localisation Heuristics
(2018) Evolutionary Composition of Customised Fault Localisation Heuristics Open Access version on RADAR -
Deocadez R, Harrison R, Rodriguez, D, Automatically Classifying Requirements from App Stores: A Preliminary Study
(2017) Automatically Classifying Requirements from App Stores: A Preliminary Study Open Access version on RADAR -
Deocadez R, Harrison R, Rodriguez D, Preliminary Study on Applying Semi-Supervised Learning to App Store Analysis
(2017) ISBN: 9781450348041 -
Ibarguren-Arrieta I, Perez J, Muguerza J, Rodriguez D, Harrison R, The Consolidated Tree Construction Algorithm in Imbalanced Defect Prediction Datasets
(2017) ISBN: 9781509046010 The Consolidated Tree Construction Algorithm in Imbalanced Defect Prediction Datasets Open Access version on RADAR -
D. Brown, C. Martin, D. Duce, A. Aldea, R. Harrison, Towards a Formal Model of Type 1 Diabetes for Artificial Intelligence
(2017) Towards a Formal Model of Type 1 Diabetes for Artificial Intelligence Open Access version on RADAR -
Iacob C, Faily S, Harrison R, MARAM: Tool Support for Mobile App Review Management
(2016) pp.42-50 ISBN: 9781631901379 -
Iacob C, Faily S, Harrison R, Mining for Mobile App Usability in Online Reviews
(2016) -
Boness K, Harrison R, The synergies between goal sketching and enterprise architecture
(15637152) (2015) pp.46-52 ISBN: 978-1-5090-0110-1 The synergies between goal sketching and enterprise architecture Open Access version on RADAR -
Rodriguez D, Herraiz, I, Harrison R, Dolado J, Riquelme J, Preliminary Comparison of Techniques for Dealing with Imbalance in Software Defect Prediction
Empirical Software Engineering (2014) ISSN: 1382-3256 eISSN: 1573-7616 -
Iacob C, Harrison R, Faily S, Online Reviews as First Class Artifacts in Mobile App Development
130 (2014) pp.47-53 ISBN: 978-3-319-05452-0 -
Rodriguez D, Herraiz I, Harrison R, Dolado J, Riquelme JC, Preliminary Comparison of Techniques for Dealing with Imbalance in Software Defect Prediction
(43) (2014) ISBN: 978-1-4503-2476-2 -
Veerappa V, Harrison R, An Empirical Validation of Coupling Metrics Using Automated Refactoring
(2013) pp.271-274 ISBN: 978-0-7695-5056-5 -
Veerappa V, Harrison R, Assessing the maturity of requirements through argumentation: A good enough approach
(2013) pp.670-675 ISBN: 978-1-4799-0215-6 -
Brown D, Bayley I, Harrison R, Martin C, Developing a Mobile Case-based Reasoning Application to Assist Type 1 Diabetes Management
(2013) ISBN: 978-1-4673-5800-2 -
Harrison R, Rodriguez D, Ruiz M, Riquelme, J, Multiobjective Simulation Optimisation in Software Project Management
(2013) pp.1883-1890 -
Iacob C, Veerappa V, Harrison R, What Are You Complaining About?: A Study of Online Reviews of Mobile Applications
(2013) -
Flood D, Germanakos P, Harrison R, McCaffery F, Samaras G, Estimating Cognitive Overload in Mobile Applications for Decision Support within the Medical Domain
(2012) pp.103-107 ISBN: 978-989-8565-12-9 -
Brown D, Bayley I, Harrison R, Martin C, Formal specification of a mobile diabetes management application using the Rodin platform and Event-B
(2012) pp.43-44 -
Flood D, Harrison R, Iacob C, Lessons Learned from Evaluating the Usability of Mobile Spreadsheet Applications
7623 (2012) pp.315-322 ISBN: 978-3-642-34346-9 eISBN: 978-3-642-34347-6 -
Bayley I, Flood D, Harrison R, Martin C, Mobitest: A cross-platform tool for testing mobile applications
(2012) ISBN: 978-1-61208-230-1 -
Solomon BS, Duce D, Harrison R, Boness K, Modeling social media collaborative work
(12835900) (2012) pp.43-49 ISBN: 978-1-4673-1756-6 -
Rodriguez D, Herraiz I, Harrison R, On software engineering repositories and their open problems
(12848745) (2012) pp.52-56 ISBN: 978-1-4673-1752-8 -
Herraiz I, Rodriguez D, Harrison R, On the statistical distribution of object-oriented system properties
(12835962) (2012) pp.56-62 ISBN: 978-1-4673-1763-4 -
Harrison R, Subgroup Discovery for Defect Prediction
6956 (2012) pp.269-270 -
Martin C, Flood D, Sutton D, Aldea A, Harrison R, Waite M, A Systematic Evaluation of Mobile Applications for Diabetes Management
6949 (2011) pp.466-469 ISBN: 978-3-642-23767-6 eISBN: 978-3-642-23768-3 -
Flood D, Harrison R, Martin CE, McDaid K, A systematic evaluation of mobile spreadsheet apps
(2011) -
Rodriguez D, Ruiz M, Riquelme J, Harrison R, Multiobjective simulation optimization in software project management
(2011) pp.1883-1890 ISBN: 978-1-4503-0557-0 -
Rodriguez D, Ruiz M, Riquelme JC, Harrison R, Optimizacion multiobjetivo de la toma de decisiones en gestion de proyectos software basada en simulacion
(2011) -
Flood D, Harrison R, McDaid K, Spreadsheets on the Move: An Evaluation of Mobile Spreadsheets
(2011) ISBN: 978-0-9566256-9-4 -
Garcia E, Martin C, Garcia A, Harrison R, Flood D, Systematic analysis of mobile diabetes management applications on different platforms
(2011) pp.379-396 ISBN: 9783642253638 -
Flood D, Harrison R, Nosseir A, Useful but tedious: An evaluation of mobile spreadsheets
(6) (2011) pp.1-7 -
Black S, Harrison R, Baldwin M, A survey of social media use in software systems development
(2010) ISBN: 978-1-60558-975-6 -
Boness K, Harrison R, Goal Sketching and the Business Case
(2009) pp.203-209 ISBN: 978-0-7695-3777-1 -
Boness K, Harrison R, Goal Sketching with Activity Diagrams
(10389734) (2008) pp.277-283 ISBN: 978-1-4244-3218-9
Other publications
Brown D, Duce D, Franklin R, Harrison R, Martin C, Waite M, SWiFT Seeing the Wood From the Trees: helping people make sense of their health data,
(2015) -
Rodriguez D, Ruiz R, Riquelme JC, Harrison R, Subgroup Discovery in Defect Prediction