Dr Rebecca Beech

PhD, MSc, MA, BA (Hons), PGCERT

Senior Lecturer in Marketing

Oxford Brookes Business School


Dr Rebecca Beech is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at Oxford Brookes Business School, Oxford Brookes University, UK. She holds a PhD in Marketing (fully-funded studentship from the Centre for Business in Society), MA and PGCERT in Academy Practice in Higher Education, MSc in Strategic Marketing and BA Hons in Business and Marketing from Coventry University. Rebecca is an active researcher and teaches at the Business School.

Dr Beech started teaching in 2014 as a part-time Teaching Assistant and later as a Full-Time Lecturer in Business Management in 2020 at Coventry University. In her past roles at Coventry University, Dr Beech was a Deputy Course Director for the Business and Management Course for 900 undergraduate students, and led on internationalisation. 


Teaching and supervision


Modules taught

Currently at Oxford Brookes Business School, Rebecca is a module leader and creator of the  undergraduate L4 mandatory marketing module, Sustainable and Ethical Marketing, and module leader of the postgraduate Research Methods module. Dr Beech has seminar led on the postgraduate Research methods module, and the undergraduate L6 module Contemporary Issues in Marketing module. 
Rebecca’s teaching philosophy is rooted in her desire to inspire and to raise ambition amongst students, via research-informed teaching, use of innovative gamification pedagogical tools to ensure experiential learning, and by fostering an inclusive learning environment. 

Past teaching roles have entailed teaching PhD modules in NVivo training and Internet Mediated Research. Postgraduate modules such as Global Brand Management. Undergraduate modules, such as, Ethical Leadership, Project Management, Foundations of Business Management, Introduction to Marketing, and Marketing Research Methods.


Dr Beech supervises Undergraduate and Postgraduate Marketing Course students.

Between 2020-2022 Rebecca was a 3rd supervisor for a part-time PhD student (student withdrew). 

Rebecca is open to supervise PhD students in the following areas in a Marketing discipline: circular economy and sustainable fashion (renting, reusing, recycling, repurposing), consumer behaviour and encouraging pro-environmental behaviour, online consumer behaviour and ethics, AI and online communities. 


Dr Beech is research active, publishing a number of peer-reviewed national and international conference papers, book chapters, and an ESRC report. Currently Rebecca has a pipeline of papers in R&R and to submit with ABS 2* and 3* papers. Rebecca recently won two research grants in 2024 as Project Investigator, (1) PRME Research Seed Funding, and (2) Oxford Brookes Business School Small Grants Scheme. Her research is in sustainable fashion, pro-environmental consumer behaviour, circular economy, knowledge sharing, consumer empowerment, online communities, and the use of AI in marketing. 

Rebecca is a journal reviewer for the following ABS ranked journals: Journal of Business Ethics (ABS 3*, and 8.1 5-year impact factor), International Journal of Consumer Studies (ABS 2*, and 9.9 5-year impact factor), Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management (ABS 2*, and 4.8 5-year impact factor) and International Journal of Technology Management (ABS 1*, and 2.9 5-year impact factor).

Research impact

Dr Beech demonstrates impact of her research when delivering research talks at universities at a local, national, and international level. For examples, at Liverpool John Moores University, UK, University of Vaasa, Finland, University of Bremen, Germany, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK, and Anahuac University, Mexico.

Rebecca's recently awarded grant from PRME, will entail impact by delivering her research at the PRME Conference 2025 and at the PRME UK Network Chapters. Dr Beech has plans to follow up the study with a business led initiative, and to liaise with rental start ups to deliver impact on their circular economy business model. 


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Professional information

Memberships of professional bodies

Rebecca is a co-founder and co-lead of the Early Career Network and is the Early Career Academic lead on the Marketing and Retail Special Interest Group at the British Academy of Management and holds a professional membership. Rebecca further holds a professional membership at the Academy of Marketing, and the Higher Education Academy (HEA). 


To name a few recent conferences:
British Academy of Management, Nottingham Trent University, September 2024
Academy of Marketing Conference, Cardiff University, July 2024
Macromarketing Conference, University of Helsinki, June 2024
British Academy of Management, University of Sussex, 2023
Academy of Marketing Conference, University of Birmingham, July 2023
Academy of Marketing Conference, Virtual, July 2021
British Academy of Management, Virtual Conference in The Cloud, September 2020


Rebecca has held a handful of roles working with industry. In 2017, Rebecca held a consultancy role with The Brand Conspiracy based in London. In 2022, Rebecca liaised with Enterprise Cars and the Berlin Senate as part of the University of Bremen Summer Camp, Germany. In 2023, Rebecca collaborated with BRITA in her role as academic mentor as part of the University of Bremen Summer Camp, Germany.

Further details

Rebecca is open to supervise PhD students in the following areas in a Marketing discipline: circular economy and sustainable fashion (renting, reusing, recycling, repurposing), consumer behaviour and encouraging pro-environmental behaviour, online consumer behaviour and ethics, AI and online communities.