Induction Week

Monday 16 to Friday 20 September 2024


Course induction schedules

All course induction schedules are now live and available to view. Please make sure you find your schedule so you know where to be during Induction Week.

Find your course induction schedule

Induction Week is the first week of the first semester for new students and is designed to help you settle in and adjust to university life. You'll sometimes hear Induction Week called Freshers' Week. These two terms mean the same thing, but we tend to use 'Induction Week' at Oxford Brookes University.

You will have your own course induction schedule to follow, plus the option to attend general University-wide events. As well as formal sessions to attend, you will find plenty of drop-in sessions and helpdesks available in-person and online if you have any questions or worries.

What happens during Induction Week?

Your course induction

The most important part of Induction Week is the schedule of events that your faculty team puts together for you, known as your course induction. This will take place at the campus where most of your teaching occurs. Your course induction schedule is designed to introduce you to your academic team and the facilities and learning platforms you'll be using while you study here. It will help you understand what life as a student on your chosen course will be like.

Your course induction is compulsory so it should be your top priority.

A group of students talking outside

University events open to all

Around your course induction events, you can use your free time to attend other events open to all students. Our events calendar will list what's on each day - it's up to you to choose what interests you. You can expect to see events like academic workshops, tours and talks, sessions for international students and social events.

If you are interested in sports, make sure to attend the Sports Fair on Wednesday 18 September 2024 where you can meet the teams and clubs at Oxford Brookes. 

The biggest event of the week will be the Freshers' Fair on Friday 20 September 2024 when lots of the University societies come together on the Headington Campus. Don't miss it - you might find a society which interests you!

Students in the Oxford Covered Market

Online enrolment

Online enrolment opens on Monday 2 September 2024 so you might have already completed your online enrolment by the time Induction Week starts. Once you are enrolled, you will gain access to University study platforms and you may well need to use some of these during your course induction. You'll also get access to your Oxford Brookes emails which your academic team might already have used to contact you. Check these pages again from Wednesday 14 August when there will be more information about online enrolment.

The Student Induction Team is more than happy to chat to new students about enrolment and help with any issues.

Student typing on a laptop

The Student Induction Team

To help you get ready for your Induction Week and settle into Oxford Brookes, our Student Induction Team will be available at the Reception for New Students on the Headington Campus. We will also have our Zoom room and phone line available to answer any questions you may have about starting at Oxford Brookes and make sure you get the support you need.

Our services open on Monday 9 September 2024 and will stay open through Induction Week and the first few weeks of semester. You are more than welcome to come to us with any questions.

The Student Induction Team

Induction FAQs