After you have registered you need to upload your documents and submit your project. Then you are taken to the payment page (see step 3).
Please see the PDF document Submission of Research and Analysis Project.
Please take your time and follow the instructions carefully.
There are limits to the size of file you can upload. Appendices are limited to 2MB and you must not upload copies of Annual Reports or Financial Statements.
Please take care when uploading your documents - make sure you upload the correct version of the file. If you inadvertently make a mistake, please contact who may be able to help. Please note OBU will not replace the documents you have submitted. It is your responsibility to ensure that the documents you upload are the ones you want marked.
When you upload your documents, the system converts the files and uploads the RR and SLS to Turnitin. This process can take up to 72 hours. It results in a change to the file names and can also change the file size. During the process, the file size will appear as 0.0B, please do not be alarmed by this or email us.
If you encounter any issues in the final hours before the deadline please email the programme administration outlining the issue and include your ACCA number. Please attach the documents you wish to submit as this demonstrates your intention to submit. Not attaching the documents may result in a refusal by the programme to accept your submission.