The Apprenticeship Levy was introduced by the Government in April 2017. It can be used to pay tuition costs for new apprenticeship starts. Employers with a pay bill over £3 million each year pay the levy. The levy costs an employer 0.5% of their payroll costs annually. The Government applies a 5% top-up to your digital account.
Levy payments are managed by HMRC through the PAYE process. More information about levy payments and PAYE is available on Gov.UK.
- Funds enter your account each month after you have declared the levy to HMRC.
- Funds expire 24 months after they enter the account if they are not spent on an eligible apprenticeship.
Smaller employers, who do not pay the Apprenticeship Levy now have full access to the apprenticeship service and can access the funding and the benefits of the service.